Douglas W. Hume, Ph.D.
Anthropologist & Educator
Darkness in El Dorado Controversy - Bibliography

I must admit that this is not a complete bibliography of research with the Yanomami, but it contains sources that either I thought should be listed or sources that have been sent to me via email. Since I do not have the time available to research relevant sources of information, if you have any resources that you feel should be added to this list, please contact me. Note: All links open in a new window if they are not mirrored within this website.
Albert, Bruce (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1985 Temps du sang, Temps des Cendres: Représentation de la maladie, système rituel et espace politique chez les Yanomami du sud-est. Thèse apresentada para obtenção do título de doutor na Universidade de Paris X.
- 1988a Temps du sang, temps des cendres. Représentation de la maladie, espace politique et système rituel chez les Yanomami du sud-est (Amazonie Brésilienne ), Travaux et Documents Micro édités 31. Paris, Orstom (Thèse de Doctorat – Université de Paris X-Nanterre).
- 1988b “Yanomami – Kaingang: la cuestión de las tierras indígenas en Brasil”, in: Indianidad, etnocidio e indigenismo en América Latina. Mexico: CEMCA-Instituto Indigenista Interamericano. pp.197-219.
- 1988c “La Fumée du Métal. Histoire et représentations du contact chez les Yanomami du Brésil”, L’Homme , 106-107: 87-119
- 1989 “Yanomami `Violence’: Inclusive Fitness or Ethnographer’s Representation?,” Current Anthropology 30:637-640.
- 1990a “Développement Amazonien et Sécurité Nationale: les Indiens Yanomami face au projet ‘Calha Norte'”, Ethnies 11-12: 116-127.
- 1990b “On Yanomami Warfare: A Rejoiner,” Current Anthropology 31:558-563.
- 1990b Sixty three Yanomami myths, in: Folk Literature of the Yanomami Indians , J. Wilbert and K. Simoneau eds.. Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center Publications.
- 1991 Urihi: Terra, Economia e Saúde Yanomami. Série Antropológica 119. Departamento de Antropologia, Universidade de Brasília.
- 1992a “Indian lands, environmental policy, and military geopolitics in the development of the Brazilian Amazon: The case of the Yanomami”, Development and Change 23 (1): 35-70.
- 1992b “Pensée d’un sage, Davi, chamane yanomami “, in: Notre Amérique métisse. Cinq cents ans après la Conquête, les latino-américains parlent aux européens , A. Remiche Martynow et G. Schneier Madanes eds. Paris: La Découverte. pp. 391-398
- 1992c “A Fumaça do Metal: História e Representações do Contato entre os Yanomami”. In Anuário Antropológico 89. Rio de Janeiro: Edições Tempo Brasileiro Ltda.
- 1993 “L’or cannibale et la chute du ciel. Une critique chamanique de l’économie politique de la nature”, L’Homme 126-128: 353-382. (numéro spécial: La remontée de l’Amazone, P. Descola et A.-C. Taylor eds.)
- 1994 “Gold miners and Yanomami Indians in the Brazilian Amazon: The Hashimu massacre”, in: Who pays the price? The sociocultural context of environmental crisis , B. Johnston ed..Washington: Island Press. pp. 47-55.
Albert, Bruce and G. Godwin Gomez
- 1997 Saúde Yanomami. Um manual etno-lingüístico. Belém : Museu (Collection “Eduardo Galvão”).
Allman, William F.
- 1988 (April 11), “A Laboratory of Human Conflict,” U.S. News and World Report, pp. 57-58.
Andujar, Claudia
- 2000 Yanomami, Brazil: Curitiba.
Anduze, Pablo
- 1960 Shailili-ko: Descubrimiento de las fuentes del Orinoco, Caracas, Venezuela: Editor Talleres Graficas.
- The Absurdity of Vivisection – Vivisection and the denial of human rights
- 1979 The Yanoama in Brazil. Copenhagen: IWGIA Document 37.
Arvelo-Jimenez, Nelly
Asch, Timothy (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1991, “The Defense of Yanomami Society and Culture: Its Importance and Significance,” La Iglesia en Amazonas XII:35-38.
- 1991, “Bias in Ethnographic Reporting: A Personal Example from the Yanomamo Ethnography,” Unpublished paper.
- 1992, “Book Review of Into the Heart by Kenneth R. Good” American Anthropologist 94:481-482.
Baker, J.P. (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1953 “Memoria sobre la cultura de los Guaika”. Boletín Indigenista Venezolano 1: 433-99.
- 1959 “Las incursiones entre los Guaika”. Boletín Indigenista Venezolano 7: 151-68.
- 1953 “Memorias sobre Ia cultura de los Guaica”. Bol. Venezolano, N 91.
Barandiaran, Daniel de (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1965 “Mundo Espiritual y Shamanismo Sanema”. Antropologica. Nº 15 diciembre.
- 1974 Los Hijos de La Luna: Monografia Anthropologica Sobre los Indios Sanema-Yanoama, Caracas, Venezuela: Editorial Arte.
Becker, Hans (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1957 “Die Yanonámi: Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Völkergruppierung zwischen Rio Branco, Uraricuréra, Serra Parima und Rio Negro”. Völkerkundliche Mitteilungen (Vienna) 5: 13-20.
- 1960 Die Surara und Pakidai: Zwei Yanomami-Stamme in Nordwest Brasilien, Hamburg, Germany: Mitteilunger aus dem Museum fur Volkerkunde.
Berwick, Dennison
- 1992 Savages: The Life and Killing of the Yanomami, London, England: Hodder and Stoughton.
Biocca, Ettore (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1965 Yanoama: The Story of Helena Valero, a Girl Kidnapped by Amazonian Indians, New York, NY: Kodansha America (2nd edition 1996).
- 1965 Yanoàma: da racconto di una donna rapita dagli Indi. Leonardo da Vinci, Bari..
- 1971 Yanoáma: The narrative of a white girl kidnapped by amazonian indians. New York: E.P.Dutton & CO.
- 1969a Viaggi tra gli Indi. Appunti di un biologo. 4 volumi. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma.
- 1969b Mondo Yanoàma. De Donato Editore, Bari.
Booth, William
- 1989 (March 3), “Warfare over the Yanomamo Indians,” Science 243:1138-1140.
Borofsky, Robert, ed. (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 2005 Yanomami: The Fierce Controversy And What We Can Learn From It, Berkeley, CA; University of California Press.
- 2015. Like a bridge over troubled waters, [Review article: Kopenawa, Davi & Bruce Albert. The falling sky: words of a Yanomami shaman]. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 21:462-465.
Bower, B.
- 1991, “Gauging the Winds of War: Anthropologists Seek the Roots of Human Conflict,” Science News 139:88-91.
Cappelleti, E.J.
- 1994 (May), “Fighting the Common Enemy in the Amazon,” AAA Anthropology Newsletter 35:2.
Cajicuwa, Bautista Good, Kenneth Ritchie, Mark
- 1997 New spirits for old. In Natural History 106 (2) pp. 46-47.
Castro, M.B., W.C Pfeiffer and Albert, B.
- 1991 “Mercury levels in Yanomami Indians hair from Roraima-Brazil”, in: Heavy Metals in the Environment, J. G. Farmer ed. Edinburgh: CEP Consultants. pp. 367-370.
Carneiro da Cuna, M.M.
- 1989 (January), “Letter to Editor from the Brazilian Anthropological Association,” AAA Anthropology Newsletter 30:3.
Chaffanjon, Jean
- 1986 El Orinoco y el Caura, Caracas, Venezuela: Editorial Croquis.
Chagnon, Napoleon A. (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1967 Yanomamö – the fierce people. In: Natural History. — New York, 1967. vol. LXXVII, no. 1, p. 22-31. illus. (part col.), map.
- 1967 Yanomamö social organization and warfare. In: Natural History. — New York, 1967. vol. LXXVI, no. 10, p. 44-48. illus., map.
- 1968a The feast. In: Natural History. — New York, 1968. vol. LXXVII, no. 4, p. [34]-41.
- 1968b Yanomanö social organization and warfare. In: Fried, Morton [H]., Harris, Marvin & Murphy, Robert [F].: War; the anthropology of armed conflict and aggression. — Garden City, New York, 1968. p. 109-159.
- 1968c Yanomamö: The Fierce People. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
- 1972 Tribal social organization and genetic microdifferentiation. In: Harrison, G. Ainsworth and Boyce, Anthony J., eds. Structure of human populations. — Oxford, [England] 1972 p. 252-82, illus.
- 1973a Daily life among the Yanomamö. In: Romney, Antone Kimball and Paul L. Devore, eds. You and others. — Cambridge, Mass., [1973] p. 49-59.
- 1973b The culture-ecology of shifting (pioneering) cultivation among the Yanomamö Indians. In: Gross, Daniel R., ed. Peoples and Cultures of Native South America. — Garden City, New York., 1973. pp. 126-144,
- 1973c Yanomamö. In: Primitive Worlds. — Washington, D.C., National Geographic Society [1973] p. 140-183, map, illus. (col).
- 1974 Studying the Yanomamo. Holt, Rinehart and Wiston, New York.
- 1975a Genealogy, solidarity and relatedness : limits to local group size and patterns of fissioning in an expanding population. In: Yearbook of Physical Anthropology. 1975. — New York, 1975. vol. 19, pp. 95-110 : diagr., graphs., tables.
- 1975b The influence of cultural factors on the demography and pattern of gene flow from the Makiritare to the Yanomama indians [by] Napoleon A. Chagnon, James V. Neel, Lowell Weitkamp, Henry Gershowitz and Manuel Ayres. In: Man and nature : studies in the evolution of the human species. — New York : Random House, c1975.
- 1975c “I don’t see how you can write anything of value if you don’t offend someone,” Psychology Today 8:6-8.
- 1976 Yanomamo, the true people. In: National Geographic Magazine. — Washington, D.C. v. 150, no. 2, 1976. p. 210-223: ill., map.
- 1977a Yanomamö – the fierce people. In: Gould, Richard A. Man’s many ways. — New York: Harper & Row, c1977. p. 137-141.
- 1977b Yanomamö warfare / Napoleon A. Chagnon. In: Anthropology full circle. — New York : Praeger, c1977. p. 358-363.
- 1977c Yanomamo: The Fierce People. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
- 1979a Evolutionary Biology and Human Social Behavior. An Anthropological Perspective. Edited with William Irons. North Scituate, MA: Duxbury Press.
- 1979b Is reproductive success equal in egalitarian societies? In: Evolutionary biology and human social behavior. — North Scituate, Ma. : Duxbury Press, 1979. p. 374-401, ill.
- 1979c Kin selection and conflict : an analysis of a Yanomamö ax fight / Napoleon A. Chagnon and Paul E. Bugos, Jr. In: Evolutionary biology and human social behavior. — North Scituate, Ma. : Duxbury Press, 1979. p. 213-238, ill.
- 1979d Mate competition, favoring close kin, and village fissioning among the Yanomamö Indians / Napoleon A. Chagnon In: Evolutionary biology and human social behavior. — North Scituate, Ma. : Duxbury Press, 1979. p. 86-132, ill.
- 1979e Protein deficiency and tribal warfare in Amazonia : new data / Napoleon A. Chagnon and Raymond B. Hames. In: Science. — Washington, D.C. v. 203., no. 4383 1979 p. 910-913, tables.
- 1979f Sex-ratio variation among the Yanomamö Indians / Napoleon A. Chagnon, Mark V. Flinn and Thomas F. Melancon. In: Evolutionary biology and human social behavior. — North Scituate, Ma. : Duxbury Press, 1979. p. 290-320, ill.
- 1980a Highland New Guinea models in the South American lowlands In: Working papers on South American Indians. — Bennington, Vt.: Bennington College, no. 2, 1980. p. 111-130.
- 1980b Kin-selection theory, kinship, marriage and fitness among the Yanomamö Indians / Napoleon A. Chagnon. In: AAAS selected symposium. — Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press, v. 35, 1980. p. 545-571, ill.
- 1981a Doing fieldwork among the Yanomamö / Napoleon A. Chagnon. In: Contemporary anthropology. — New York : A.A. Knopf, c1981. p. 11-24.
- 1981b Terminological kinship, genealogical relatedness and village fissioning among the Yanomamö Indians. In R. D. Alexander & D. W. Tinkle (Eds.), Natural selection and social behavior (pp. 490-508). New York, NY: Chiron Press.
- 1982a Anthropology and the nature of things / Napolean A. Chagnon.
- 1982b Sociodemographic attributes of nepotism in tribal populations: man the rule-breaker / Napoleon A. Chagnon. In: Current problems in sociobiology. — Cambridge, Eng. : Cambridge University Press, 1982. p. 291-318.
- 1983 Yanomamö: The fierce people. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
- 1988 Life histories, blood revenge, and warfare in a tribal population. Science, 239, 985-992.
- 1989a (April 7), “Yanomamo Survival,” Science 244:11.
- 1989b (January), “Letter to the Editor in Reply to the Brazilian Anthropological Association,” AAA Anthropology Newsletter 30:3,24.
- 1989c “Response to Ferguson,” American Ethnologist 16:565-570.
- 1990 On Yanomamo violence: reply to Albert [comments on B Albert in Curr Anthrop 1989 (3O:5) 637-4O] Current anthropology. 31 pp 49-53.
- 1992 Yanomamö: The last days of Eden. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
- 1993a (October 23), “Covering Up the Yanomamo Massacre,” New York Times Op Ed p. 13.
- 1993b (October), “Anti-science and Native Rights: Genocide of the Yanomami,” Human Behavior and Evolution Society Newsletter II:1-4.
- 1993c (December 23), “Killed by Kindness?,” The Times Literary Supplement No. 4734, pp. 11-12.
- 1994 Yanomamo: the last days of Eden. Harcourt Brace Jovanich Publishersm San Diego, New York, London.
- 1995 “L’ethnologie du deshonneur: Brief response to Lizot,” American Ethnologist 22:187-189.
- 1996a “Chronic Problems in Understanding Tribal Violence and Warfare,” in Genetics of Criminal and Antisocial Behavior,” G.R. Boch and J.A. Goode, eds., New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 202-236.
- 1996b “Book Review: Yanomami Warfare: A Political History, by R. brian Ferguson,” American Anthropologist 98:670-672.
- 1997 Yanomamo, 5th ed. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich. 2012 The Yanomamo (Case Studies in Cultural Anthropology), Sixth Edition. Wadsworth Publishing
- 2013 Noble Savages: My Life Among Two Dangerous Tribes — the Yanomamo and the Anthropologists. Simon & Schuster.
Chagnon, N.; Bortoli, J.& Eguillor, M.I.
- 1988 Una aplicación antropológica práctica entre los Yanomami: Colaboración entre misioneros y antropólogos.” La Iglesia en Amazonas, n0 42-43.
Chagnon, Napoleon A., and Charles Brewer-Carias
- 1994 (September), “Response to Cappelletti and Turner,” AAA Anthropology Newsletter 35:2.
Chagnon, Napoleon A. and Paul E. Bugos, Jr.
Chagnon, N. A. and R.B. Hames
- 1979 Protein Deficiency and Tribal Warfare in Amazonia: New Data.Science 203; 910-13.
Chagnon, Napoleon A. & W. Irons (Eds.)
- Evolutionary biology and human social behaviour (pp. 213-249). North Scituate, MA: Duxbury Press.
Chernela, Janet M. (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1997 Yanomami Warfare: A Political History (Book Review). American Ethnologist 24 (1) Feb. pp. 227-229.
- 1998 Death, memory, and language: New approaches to history in lowland South American anthropology. In: Latin American Research Review, vol. 33 número 1, págs. 167-192.
Chiappino, Jean and Catherine Ales, eds.
- 1997 Del Microscopio a la Maraca, Caracas, Venezuela, Editorial Ex Libris.
Cristaldo, Janer
- 2000 Ianoblefe, eBooksBrasil
Cocco, Luis (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1972 Iyewei-Teri: Quince Anos entre los Yanomamos, Caracas, Venezuela: Libreria Editorial Salesiana. 1975 Parima, dove la terra non accoglie i norti. LAS, Roma.
- 1979 “Protein Deficiency and Tribal Warfare in Amazonia: New Data”. Science 206: 1043-50.
Colchester, M.
- 1982 The economy, ecology and ethnobiology of the Sanema Indians of South Venezuela. Dissertação de Doutorado. University of Oxford.
Colchester, Marcus, ed.
- 1995 The Health and Survival of the Venezuelan Yanoama, Copenhagen, Denmark: IWGIA.
Conklin, Beth
- 2013, “Last of the Stone Age Warriors, American Anthropologist 115(4):671-674.
Cultural Survival
- 1981 “Vaccination Project for the Yanomami”. In Cultural Survival News-letter, 5 (1): 4.
Diamond, Stanley (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1968, “War and the Dissociated Personality,” in War: The Anthropology of Armed COnflict and Aggression, Morton Fried, Marvin harris, and Robert Murphy, eds., Garden City, NY: Natural History Press, pp. 181-188.
Dimanawa, Cesar
- 1990 (March), “Carta Abierta a Napoleon Chagnon,” La Iglesia en Amazonas, p. 20.
Dimanawa, Cesar
- 1994 (February), “Carta Enviada por un Yanomami a N.A. Chagnon,” La Iglesia en Amazonas, p. 19.
Donner, Florinda
- 1982 Shabono, New York, NY: Dell Publishing Co.
Dyer, Elizabeth A.
- 2006, “Chagnon, Napoleon (1938-),” in Encyclopedia of Anthropology, H. James Birx, ed., Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2:477-478.
Early, John D. and John F. Peters
- 2000 The Xilixana Yanomami of the Amazon: History, Social Structure, and Population Dynamics, Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press.
Equipe da Missão Catrimani
- 1988 “O crepúsculo do povo Yanomami: sobrevivência ou genocídio?” Boletim N. 13, CIDR, Boa Vista.
Eusebi, L.
- 1991 A barriga morreu: o genocídio dos Yanomami. Edições Loyola, São Paulo.
Fluehr-Lobban, Carolyn
- 2003, “Darkness in El Dorado: Research Ethics, Then and Now,” in Ethics and the Profession of Anthropology: Dialogue for Ethically Conscious Practice, Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, ed., Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, pp. 85-106.
Fischer, Michael M.J.
- 2003, “In the Science Zone: The Yanomami and the Fight for Representation,” in his Emergent Forms of Life and the Anthropological Voice, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 371-392.
Ferguson, R. Brian (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1989, “Do Yanomamo Killers Have More Kids?” American Ethnologist 16:564-565.
- 1995a “The Yanomamo and Anthropologists: 1960-1966,” in his Yanomami Warfare: A Political History, Santa Fe, NM: School for American Research Press, Ch. 13, pp. 277-306.
- 1995b Yanomami Warfare: A Political History, Santa Fe, NM: School for American research.
- 2001 Materialist, cultural and biological theories on why Yanomami make war. Anthropological Theory 1(1):99-116.
- 2001 10,000 Years of Tribal Warfare: History, Science, Ideology and “The State of Nature” The Journal of the International Institute, 8(3), Spring/Summer 2001
Fernando Coronil, et al.
- 2001, “The Production of Knowledge & Indigenous Peoples,” The Journal of the International Institute 9(1):6-7, 26-27.
Fine-Dare, K S
- 1998 The Yanomami and their interpreters: Fierce people or fierce interpreters?. Choice Middletown.
Finkers, Juan
- 1994 (December), “Aclaraciones al Sr. Chagnon,” La Iglesia en Amazonas, pp. 7-10.
Fischer, Michael M.J. (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 2001 (August), “In the Science Zone: The Yanomami and the Fight for Representation,” Anthropology Today 17(4):9-14.
- 2001 (August), “In the Science Zone: The Yanomami and the Fight for Representation,” Anthropology Today 17(4):9-14.
Fox, Robin
- 1994 (March), “Evil Wrought in the Name of Good,” AAA Anthropology Newsletter 35:2.
Francia, G
- 1990 Una finestra sull’Amazzonia: gli Indios Yanomami. EMI: Bologna.
Fredlund, E. V.
- 1985 The use and abuse of kinship when classifying marriages: A Shitari Yanomamö case study. Northwestern University Symposium: Human sociobiology: New research and theory (1981, Evanston, Illinois). Ethology & Sociobiology, 6(1), 17-25.
Garcia, Maria Isabel Eguillor
- 1984 Yopo, Shamanes y Hekura: Aspectos Fenomenologicos del Mundo Sagrado Yanomami, Puerto Ayachucho, Venezuela: Editorial Salesiana.
Geertz, Clifford
- 2001, Life Among the Anthros, The New York Review of Books, February 8, 2001. pg. 18-22
Gheerbrandt, Alain (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1953 L’expedicion Orenoque-Amazone, 1948-1950, Paris, France: Gallimard.
- 1954 Journey into the Far Amazon, New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.
Good, Kenneth R. (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1989 Yanomami Hunting Patterns: Trekking and garden relocation as an adaptation to game availability in Amazonia, Venezuela. A dissertation presented to the Graduate School of the University of Florida in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. University of Florida.
- 1991 Into the Heart, New York, NY: Prentice-Hall.
- 1997 “Amazon grace”. In Natural History 106 (2) pp. 44-45.
Good, Kenneth & Chanoff, David
- 1991 Dentro do Coração: Uma viagem inesquecível pela cultura ianomami e pelos caminhos do amor. São Paulo: Editora Best Seller.
Hames, R. B. (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1979 “A Comparison of the Efficiencies of the Shotgun and the Bow in Neotropical Forest Hunting”. Human Ecology 7 (3): 219-54.
- 1980 “Game depletion and hunting zone rotation among the Ye’kwana and Yanomamo of Amazonas, Venezuela”. In Working Papers on South American Indians, 2: 31-66. R Hames, ed. Bennington College, Bennington, VT.
- 1997 “Sanuma Memories: Yanomami Ethnography in a Time of Crisis”. In Human Ecology 25 (2): 361-364.
Hammersley, Martyn
- 1990, Reading Ethnographic Research: A Critical Guide, New York, NY: Longman.
Harris, Marvin
- 1984 “A Cultural Materialist Theory of Band and Village Warfare: The Yanomamo Test,” in Warfare, Culture, and Environment, R. Brian Ferguson, ed., New York, NY: Academic Press, pp. 111-140 (includes letters to editor of Science by Kenneth Good and Jacques Lizot).
Heider, Karl G.
- 1988 “The Rashomon Effect: When Ethnographers Disagree,” Amercian Anthropologist 90:73-81.
Heinen, H.D., and B. Illuis
- 1996, “The Last Days of Eden: A Review Essay on Yanomami Warfare,” Anthropos 91:552-560.
Helbig, J. W., Iten, O. e Schiltknecht, J.
- 1989 Yanomami: Indianer Brasiliens im Kampf ums Uberlen. Pinguin-Verlag, Innsbuck.
Horgan, John
- 1988 (March), “The Violent Yanomamo,” Scientific American 258:17-18.
Hume, Douglas William (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 2020. “Yanomami of Venezuela.” In Native Nations: The Survival of Fourth World Peoples, edited by Sharlotte Neely and Douglas W. Hume, 3rd ed., 269–89. Vernon: JCharlton Publishing Ltd. Cite - Download
- 2017. “The Yanomami of Venezuela.” In Native Nations: The Survival of Fourth World Peoples, edited by Sharlotte Neely, 2nd ed., 217–36. Vernon: JCharlton Publishing Ltd. Cite - Download
- 2016. “Darkness in Academia: Cultural Models of How Anthropologists and Journalists Write About Controversy.” World Cultures EJournal 21 (1). Cite - Download
- 2013. “Anthropology: Tribal Warfare.” Nature 494 (7437): 310. Cite - Download
Hurtado, Magdalena, Kim Hill, Hillard Kaplan, and Jane Lancaster
- 2001 (June) The Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases among South American Indians: A Call for Guidelines for Ethical Research,” Current Anthropology 42(3):425-432.
Irons, William
- 2004, “Chagnon, Napoleon A.,” in Biographical Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Vered Amit, ed., New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 88-89.
Jank, Margaret
- 1977 Culture Shock, Chicago, IL: Moody.
Koch-Grunberg, Theodor and Vom Roraima Zum Orinoco
- 1923 Vol. 3 Ethnographie, Stuttgart, Germany: Strecker and Schroder.
Kopenawa Yanomami, Davi (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1989, “Letter to All the Peoples of the Earth,” Cultural Survival Quarterly 13:68-69.
- 1994, “Address to the United Nations: Yanomami (Brazil),” in Voice of Indigenous Peoples, A. Ewen, ed., Santa Fe, NM: Clear Light Publishers, pp. 108-111.
Landes, S., et al.
- 1976, “Time Criticized for Yanomamo Characterization,” AAA Anthropology newsletter 17:28.
Lizot, Jacques (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1971 “Aspects économique et sociaux du changement culturel chez les Yanomami”. L’Homme 11:32-51.
- 1975a Diccionario Yanomami-Español. Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales, División de Publicaciones.
- 1975b El hombre de la Pantorilla Preñada y Otros Mitos Yanomami. Fundación La Salle de Ciencias Naturales: Caracas.
- 1976a “The Yanomami in the face of ethnocide”. IWGIA Document No. 22. International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, Copenhagen.
- 1976b La Cercle des Feux: Faits et dits des Indiens Yanomami, Paris, France: Editions du Seuil.
- 1977a “Population, resources, et guerre chez les Yanomami”. In Libre: 111-145, (2).
- 1977b “Population, Resources, and Warfare among the Yanomami”. Man 12:497-517.
- 1985 Tales of the Yanomami: Daily Life in the Venezuelan Forest. University Press, Cambridge.
- 1988a [1976] O Círculo dos Fogos: Feitos e ditos dos índios Yanomami. São Paulo: Martins Fontes.
- 1988b Los Yanomami. In Coppens, Walter (editor general). Los Aborigenes de Venezuela. Caracas: Fundação La Salle de Ciencias Naturales, Instituto Caribe de Antropología y Sociología, Monte Avila Editores, C.A.
- 1989 (April), “Sobre la Guerra: Una Respuesta a N.A. Chagnon (Science 1988),” La Iglesia en Amazonas,” pp. 23-34.
- 1993 (December 13), “Napoleon A. Chagnon— A Counterfeit President,” unpublished letter.
- 1994, “Of Warfare: An Answer to N.A. Chagnon,” American Ethnologist 21:845-862.
- 1994, “N.A. Chagnon, o sea: Un Presidente Falsificador,” La Iglesia en Amazonas p. 14.
- 1996, “Introduction: Two Irreconcilable Worlds,” in Yanoama: The Story of Helena Valero, a Girl Kidnapped by Amazonian Indians, Ettore Biocca, New York, NY: Kodansha International, pp. xvii-xxvi.
Mann, Charles C. (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 2001 “Scientific Community: Anthropological Warfare”, Science 291: 416-421.
- 2001 “Scientific Community: Preemptive Strike Sought to Discredit Book Before It Was Published”, Science 2001 291: 417-418.
Migliazza, E. (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1967 “Grupos Lingüísticas del Territorio Federal de Roraima”. Vol. 2 (Antropologia), 153-173.
- 1972 Yanomama Grammar and Intelligibility. Tese de doutorado. Universidade de Indiana.
Milliken, W. and B. Albert (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1996 “The use of medicinal plants by theYanomami Indians of Brazil”, Economic Botany 50 (1):10-25.
- 1997a “The use of medicinal plants by theYanomami Indians of Brazil. Part II”, Economic Botany, 51 (3) : 264-278.
- 1997b “The construction of a new Yanomami round-house”, Journal of Ethnobiology, 17 (2) : 215-233.
Milliken, W., B. Albert, and G. Goodwin Gomez (Selected Bibliography Works)
- s.d. Plants and the Yanomami: Ethnobotany of na Amazonian People. Mimeo.
- 1999 Yanomami : A Forest People. Advances in Amazonian Ethnobotany. Kew : Royal Botanical Garden.
Monaghan, P.
- 1994 (October 26), “Bitter Warfare in Anthropology,” The Chronicle of Higher Education XLI: section A, pp. 11, 18-19.
Montgomery, Elizabeth
- 1970 With the Shiriana in Brazil, Dubuque, IO: Kendall/Hunt Publishing.
Neel, James V. (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1954 Human Heredity
- 1994 Physician to the Gene Pool : Genetic Lessons and Other Stories.
- 1996 The Genetic Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Humans, IX International Congress of Human Genetics, August 24, 1996.
Neel, James V. and William J. Schull (Editor)
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- 1972 Saúde Peridontal, Oclusão, Desgaste e Outras Características Dentárias nos Índios Yanomamis – Revista “Ortodontia” Sociedade Paulista de Ortodontia 5 (1-2), 39-54; Jan/Aagosto.
- 1972 “Sáude Peridontal, Oclusión, Atrición, Periodonto e Otras Caracteristica Dentales en los Yanomamis in Brazil”. – Revista ORTODONCIA, de la Sociedad Argentina de Ortodoncia – ( Primeira Parte) Número 71, Mayo, 1972. (Segunda Parte) Número 72.
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- 1975 Oclusivon and Attrition of the Primitive Yanomami Indians of Brazil – Publiched in Dental Clinics of North America Symposium on na Alterable Centric Realtion in Dentistry – – V.19, N. 3, JULY.
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- 1994 Oral Condition of Three Yanomama Indian Tribes of South America – Published in Dental Anthropology Newsletter – A Publication of the Dental Anthropology Association – Arizona University – Volume 8, Number 3.
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- 1998 Life Among the Yanomami: The Story of Change Among the Xilixana on the Mucajai River in Brazil, Orchard Park, NY: Broadview Press, Ltd.
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- 1994 Iniciação à Língua Yanomama: Dialetos do Médio Rio Catrimani e de Xitei. Boa Vista: Diocese de Roraima.
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- 1972 The social system of the Sanumá of northern Brazil. Tese de doutoramento. Wisconsin.
- 1974 “How the Sanumá acquire their names”. In Ethnology 8 (2): 171-185.
- 1979 “On women’s status in Yanomama societies”. In Current Anthropology 20 (1): 187, 188.
- 1987 “Reflecting on the Yanomami: Ethnographic Images and the Pursuit of the Exotic,” Cultural Anthropology 2:284-304.
- 1990 Memórias Sanumá: Espaço e tempo em uma sociedade Yanomami. São Paulo: Editora Marco Zero, Brasília: Editora Universidade e Brasília.
- 1991 Auaris Revisitado. Série Antropologia 117. Brasília: Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Antropologia.
- 1995 Sanuma Memories: Yanomami Ethnography in Times of Crisis, Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
- 1996 Por falar em paraíso terrestre. In Travessia: revista do migrante, Ano IX, número 24, Janeiro-Abril. Publicação do CEM.
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- 1988 “Yanomami Indians and Anthropological Ethics,” Science 244:632.
Ramos, Alcida Rita and Kenneth I. Taylor
- 1979 The Yanoama in Brazil 1979, Copernhagen, Denmark: IWGIA.
Reiss, Spencer
- 1990 (December 3), “The Last Days of Eden: The Yanomami Indians Will Have to Adapt to the 20th Century or Die,” Newsweek, pp. 40-42.
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- 1994 “Ethnography and Ethnocide: A Case Study of the Yanomami,” Dialectical Anthropology 19:295-327.
Ritchie, Mark
- 2000 Spirit of the Rainforest: A Yanomamo Shaman’s Story, Chigcao, IL: Island Lake Press, pp. 239-259, 269-274.
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- 2004 “Violent People and Gentle Savages: The Yanomami Controversy,” in his Scandals and Scoundrels: Seven Cases That Shook the Academy, Berkeley, CA: University of California
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- 1967 Tra gli indios dell’Apiaù. Edizioni Missioni Consolata, Torino.
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- 1980 Some Social and economic Changes among the Yanomama of NorthernBrazil (Roraima). M.A. thesis, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh.
- 1985 Ideal and actual Kinship terminology among the Yanomama Indians of the Catrimani river basin (Brazil). Tese de doutoramento, University of Pittsburg.
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- 1983 “The Impact of Contact: Two Yanomamo Case Studies”. In Working Papers on South American Indians, 6, Cultural Survival, Occasional Paper 11, Trascript Printing Company, Cambridge.
Salamone, Frank A., ed. (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1996 (January), Who Speaks for the Yanomami? Studies in Third World Societies Publication Number 57 (includes transcripts from December 3, 1994, debate between Professor Chagnon and Salesian missionary Padre Jose Bortoli at the annual meetings of the AAA, transcripts of interviews with Yanomami, etc.)
- 1997 The Yanomami and Their Interpreters: Fierce People or Fierce Interpreters? Lanham, NY: University Press of America, Inc. (revised from above).
Salzano, Francisco M., and A. Magdalena Hurtado, eds.
- 2003 Lost Paradises and the Ethics of Research and Publication, New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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- 1841 Reisen im Guiana und am Orinoko wahrend der Jahre 1835-1839, Leipzig, Germany.
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- 1960 Hinter dem grunen Vorhang, Wiiesbaden, Germany: F.A. Brockhaus.
- 1963 People of the Rain-Forests, London, England: Heineman.
Shapiro, J.
- 1971 Sex roles and social structure among the Yanomamo Indians in North Brazil. Ph.D. diss., Columbia University.
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- 2011, “Past Warfare: Ethics, Knowledge, and the Yanomami Controversy,” in Anthrohistory. Unsettling Knowledge, Questioning Discipline, Edward Murphy, David William Cohen, Chandra D. Bhimull, Fernando Coronil, Monica Eileen Patterson, and Julie Skurski, eds., University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, pp. 121-39.
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- 1996 “Scandals, Anthropological” in Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Alan Barnard and Jonathan Spencer, eds., New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 501-503.
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- 1996 Das Amazonas aos Yanomami: Fragmentos de um discurso exotizante. Dissertação de mestrado apresentada ao Departamento de Antropologia da Universidade de Brasília para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Antropologia Social. 1999 O Corpo Cósmico: O Xamanismo entre os Yanomae do Alto Toototobi.Tese apresentada ao Departamento de Antropologia da Universidade de Brasília para a obtenção do título de doutor em Antropologia Social.
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- 1976 The Yanoama Indians: A Cultural Geography, Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Sponsel, Leslie E. (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1979 “A Note on the Urgency of Research among the Yanomami of the Brazilian Amazon” Review of Ethnology (Wien) 7(1-9):72.
- 1981 “Situacion de los Yanomama y la Civilizacion: Una Leccion de Ecologia Cultural desde el Amazonas” Boletin Indigenista Venezolano (Caracas) 20(17):105-116.
- 1981 The Hunter and the Hunted in the Amazon: An Integrated Biological and Cultural Approach to the Behavioral Ecology of Human Predation. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International/Cornell University Doctoral Dissertation (includes Appendix XIV “Relations with the Study Group and Host Country” pp. 445-447).
- 1983 “The Yanomami Debate” Science Digest 91(2):9.
- 1983 “Yanomama Warfare, Protein Capture, and Cultural Ecology,” Interciencia (Caracas) 8(4):204-210.
- 1985 “Ecology, Anthropology, and Values in Amazonia,” in Cultural Values and Human Ecology in Southeast Asia, Karl Hutterer, A. Terry Rambo, and George Lovelace, eds., Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan South and Southeast Asia Studies Center, pp. 77-122.
- 1986 “Amazon Ecology and Adaptation” Annual Review of Anthropology 15:67-97.
- 1989 “Foraging and Farming: A Necessary Complementarity in Amazonia,” in Farmers as Hunters, Susan Kent, ed., New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, pp. 37-45.
- 1990 “Does Anthropology Have Any Future?” AAA Anthropology Newsletter (March) 31(3):32, 29.
- 1991 “Sobrevivira la Antropologia al Siglo XX?” Arinsana (Caracas) VII(13):65-79.
- 1992 “Information Asymmetry and the Democratization of Anthropology” Human Organization 51(3):299-301.
- 1992 “The Environmental History of Amazonia: Natural and Human Disturbances, and the Ecological Transition,” in Chagning Tropical Forests: Historical Perspectives on Today’s Challenges in Central and South America, Harold K. Steen and Richard P. Tucker, eds., Durhamn, NC: Forest History Society, pp. 233-251.
- 1992 “Our Fascination with the Tasaday: Anthropological Images and Images of Anthropology,” in The Tasaday Controversy: Assessing the Evidence, Thomas N. Headland, ed., Washington, D.C.: AAA Special Publication No. 28, pp. 200-212.
- 1993 “The Yanomami Holocaust Continues,” in Who Pays the Price? Examining the Sociocultural Context of the Environmental Crisis, Barbara R. Johnston, ed., Washington, D.C.: Island Press, pp. 37-46.
- 1994 “The Mutual Relevance of Anthropology and Peace Studies,” in The Anthropology of Peace and Nonviolence, L.E. Sponsel and Thomas A. Gregor, eds., Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, pp. 1-36.
- 1994 “Book Review— Societies at Peace: Anthropological Perspectives co-edited by Signe Howell and Roy Willis,” American Ethnologist 20(2):396-397.
- 1995 “Relationships Among the World System, Indigenous Peoples, and Ecological Anthropology,” in Indigenous Peoples and the Future of Amazonia: An Ecological Anthropology of an Endangered World, L.E. Sponsel, ed., Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, pp. 263-293. (Also see “Introduction” pp. 3-9).
- 1996 “Anthropological Perspectives on the Causes, Consequences, and Solutions of Deforestation,” (co-authors Robert C. Bailey and Thomas N. Headland) in Tropical Deforestation: The Human Dimension, L.E. Sponsel, T.N. Headland, and R.C. Bailey, eds., New York, NY: Columbia University Press, pp. 3-52.
- 1996 “The Natural History of Peace: A Positive View of Human Nature and Its Potential,” in The Natural History of Peace, Thomas A. Gregor, ed., Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, pp. 95-125.
- 1996 “Human Rights and Advocacy Anthropology,” in The Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology, David Levinson and Melvin Ember, eds., New York, NY: Henry Holt and CO. 2:602-607.
- 1997 “The Master Thief: Gold Mining and Mercury Contamination in the Amazon,” in Life and Death Matters: Human Rights and the Environment at the End of the Millennium, Barbara R. Johnston, ed., Thousand Oaks, CA: AltaMira Press, pp. 99-127.
- 1997 “Human Rights” in The Dictionary of Anthropology, Thomas Barfield, ed., Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers, pp. 248-250.
- 1997 “The Human Niche in Amazonia: Explorations in Ethnoprimatology” in New World Primates: Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, Warren Kinzey, ed., Hawthorne, NY: Aldine de Gruyter, pp. 143-165.
- 1997 “Environment and Nature— The Amazon” in Encyclopedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures, Helaine Selin, ed., Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 305-307.
- 1998 “Yanomami: An Arena of Conflict and Aggression in the Amazon” Aggressive Behavior 24(2):97-122.
- 1999 “Book Review— Life Among the Yanomami: The Story of Change Among the Xilixana on the Mucajai River of Brazil by John F. Peters,” American Anthropologist 101(3):35-36.
- 2000 “Anthropologists Debate Future of War” (co-author Kenneth R. Good) AAA Anthropology News 41(2):19-20.
- 2000 “Reply to Keith Otterbein” American Anthropologist (December) 102(4) (in press).
- 2000 “Advocacy in Anthropology” in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, New York, NY: Pergamon Press (in press).
- 2000 editor, El Dorado Revisited: Gold, Oil, Environment, Peoples and Rights in the Amazon (under review).
- 2001 “On Reflections on Darkness in El Dorado”. Current Anthropology 42(2):265-276. 2006 “Darkness in El Dorado Controversy,” Encyclopedia of Anthropology, H. James Birx, ed., Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications 2:667-673. 2006 “Yanomamo,” Encyclopedia of Anthropology, H. James Birx, ed., Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications 5:2347-2351.
- 2010 Into the Heart of Darkness: Rethinking the Canonical Ethnography of the Yanomamo in Nonkilling Societies, Joam Evans Pim, ed., 2010, Honolulu, HI: Center for Global Nonkilling, pp. 197-242.
- 2014. The Falling Sky: Words of a Yanomami Shaman, Davi Kopenawa and Bruce Albert. Tipiti: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America 12(2):172-177.
- 2022. Yanomami in the Amazon: Toward a More Ethical Anthropology beyond Othering. Seattle: Kindle Direct Publishing.
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- 1998 “Warfare and Western manufactures: A case study of explanation in anthropology”. In Philosophy of Science 65 (4) Chicago Dec. pp. 649-671.
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- 1969 Uriji jami! Life and Beliefs of the Forest Waika in the Upper Orinoco, Caracas, Venezuela: Associacion Cultural Humboldt.
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- 1972 Sanumá (Yanoama) Food Prohibitions: the multiple classification of society and fauna. Ph.D. dissertation, Madison: University of Wisconsin.
- 1974 Sanuma Fauna: Prohibitions and Classification, Caracas, Venezuela: Fundacion La Salle de Ciencias Naturales.
- 1976 Body and Spirit among the Sanumá (Yanoama) of North Brazil. In Grollig, F.X. and H.B. Haley (eds) Medical Anthropology (World Anthropology Series), pp. 27-48. The Hague: Mouthon.
- 1981 “Knowledge and praxis in Sanuma food prohibitions”. In K. M. Kensinger e W.H. Kracke (orgs.) Food Taboos in Lowland South America. Working Papers on South American Indians, 3:24-54. Bennington: bennington College.
- 1996 A Geografia dos Espíritos: o xamanismo entre os Yanomami setentrionais. In Langdon, E. Jean Matteson (org.), Xamanismo no Brasil: Novas perspectivas. Florianópolis: Editora da UFSC. pp. 117-151.
Tierney, Patrick (Selected Bibliography Works)
- The Jungle Booking – an article in Forbes by Patrick Tierney
- 1985 The Highest Altar: The Story of Human Sacrifice
- 1989 Highest Altar: Unveiling the Mystery of Human Sacrifice
- 1995 Last Tribes of El Dorado: The Gold Wars in the Amazon Rain Forest
- 1999 Last Tribes of El Dorado
- 2000 Darkness in El Dorado: How Scientists and Journalists Devastated the Amazon
- 2000 A Reporter at Large: The Fierce Anthropologist. New Yorker, October 9, 2000, pp 50-61. (PDF 1.2 MB)
Tiffany, Sharon W., and K. J. Adams (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1994, Anthropology’s “fierce” Yanomami: Narratives of Sexual Politics in the Amazon, National Women’s Studies Association Journal 6:169-196.
- 1995 Feminists Re-Reading the Amazon: Anthropological Adventures into the Realm of Sex and Violence. Women in International Development, Working Papers Series, No. 253. East Lansing, MI: MIchigan State University, January 1995.
- 1996 Housewives of the Forest: Representation in Ethnographic Film. WOMEN’S STUDIES 25:169-188, 1996.
Turner, Terence (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1994 (May) “The Yanomami: Truth and Consequences,” AAA Anthropology Newsletter 35:48, 46.
- 2000 “Heart of Darkness” The Bookpress: The Newspaper of the Literary Arts. Volume 10, Number 7 (October 2000)
- 2000 “Human Science, Pseudo-Science, and Anthropological Ethics in the Yanomami Controversy” The Bookpress: The Newspaper of the Literary Arts. Volume 10, Number 9 (December 2000) [rejoinder to Nicastro]
- 2001 “The Yanomami and the Ethics of Anthropological Practice” Cornell University Latin American Studies Program Occasional Papers Series, Volume 6. Ithica, NT.
Turner, Terence, and Davi Kopenawa Yanomami
- 1991, “I Fight Because I Am Alive: An Interview with Davi Kopenawa Yanomami,” Cultural Survival Quarterly 15:59-64.
Turner, Trudy R., and Jeffrey D. Nelson
- 2005 “Darkness in El Dorado: Claims, Counter-Claims, and the Obligations of Researchers,” in Biological Anthropology and Ethics: From Repatriation to Genetic Identity, Trudy R. Turner, ed., Albany, NY: State University of New York, pp. 165-183.
Valero, Helena
- 1984 Yo Soy Napeyoma: Relato de una mujer raptada por los Indigenas Yanomami, Caracas, Venezuela: Fundacion La Salle de Ciencias Naturales.
Vinci, Alfonso (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1956 Samatari (Orinoco-Amazzoni), Bari, Italy: Leonardo da Vinci Editrice.
- 1959 Red Cloth and Green Forest, London, England: Hutchinson.
Wilbert, Johannes
- 1963 Indios de la Region Orinoco-Ventuari, Caracas, Venezuela: Fundacion La Salle de Ciencias Naturales.
Wilbert, Johannes and K. Simmoneau
- 1990 Folk Literature of the Yanomami Indians, Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Latin American Center Publication.
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- 1994 (March), “Demonization of Anthropologists in the Amazon,” AAA Anthropology Newsletter 35:3.
Zerries, Otto (Selected Bibliography Works)
- 1955 “Das Lashafest der Waika-Indianer”. Die Umschau in Wissenschaft und Technik 55:662-65.
- 1964 Waika: Die Kulturgeschichtliche Stellung der Waika-Indianer des Oberen Orinoco im Rahmen der Volkerkunde Sudamerikas, Munich, Germany: Klauss Renner Verlag.
Zerries, Otto and Meinhardt Schuster
- 1974 Mahekodotedi: Monographie eines Dorfes des Waika-Indianer (Yanoama) am oberen Orinoco (Venezuela), Munich, Germany: Klauss Renner Verlag.