Douglas W. Hume, Ph.D.
Anthropologist & Educator
Darkness in El Dorado Controversy - Position Statements

The following documents are position statements that were made about the Darkness in El Dorado controversy.
The following emails were sent to anthropologists around the world.
- IMMINENT ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCANDAL – Terry Turner and Leslie Sponsel
- Email – Jacques Lizot
- El Dorado Interim Report/Request for Information – AAA email
- The Turner-Sponsel Memo – Terry Turner 13 Nov. 2000
- Chagnon Responds to Survival International’s Derogatory Claims, Napoleon Chagnon, May 31, 2002.
The following listserv archives contain much discussion on the book Darkness in El Dorado.
- ANTHRO-L Archives – There are many opinion pieces here. They begin in September 2000.
- Evolutionary-Psychology Archives – There are many opinion pieces here. They begin in September 2000.
W. W. Norton Position Statements (Publisher of Darkness in El Dorado)
- Response to Dr. Bruce Alberts, President National Academy of Sciences – Patrick Tierney
- Response to John Tooby – Patrick Tierney
University of California, Santa Barbara Position Statements (Chagnon)
- The UCSB preliminary report – on Patrick Tierney’s allegations in Darkness in El Dorado (334K, PDF format).
- Patrick Tierney’s “Attack-Dog” Story: A Report on One of Tierney’s Many Allegations against Chagnon. Bill Irons (March 3, 2002)
- Ethnographic and Personal Aspects of Filming and Producing The Ax Fight, Napoleon A. Chagnon
University of Michigan Position Statements (Neel)
- Update Regarding “Darkness in Eldorado” – May 29, 2001
- The University of Michigan Statement regarding the book, “Darkness in El Dorado” September 27, 2000
- The University of Michigan Statement regarding the book, “Darkness in El Dorado” October 31, 2000
- Following is a statement from University of Michigan Provost Nancy Cantor on the book, “Darkness in El Dorado,” by Patrick Tierney, published by W.W. Norton & Co. The supporting research was conducted by the offices of the Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs, Vice President for Research, and General Counsel, and by the Medical School and Department of Anthropology. November13, 2000
- The University of Michigan Doctoral Program in Anthropology and History three part colloquium series, “Science — Ethics — Power: Controversy Over the Production of Knowledge and Indigenous Peoples”
- 10,000 Years of Tribal Warfare: History, Science, Ideology and “The State of Nature” R. Brian Ferguson (Abstract)
- Eugenic Ideas in James Neel’s Conception of “Primitive Society” Terence Turner
American Anthropological Association Position Statements
- Working Papers of the American Anthropological Association El Dorado Task Force
- Introduction to the Preliminary Report (pdf)
- Yanomamo Territory (gif)
- Informed consent and the 1968 Neel expedition (pdf)
- Interview with Davi Kopenawa Yanomami. (pdf)
- Engagement of anthropologists in public dialogue with members of study communities (pdf)
- Gifts: A commentary, based on allegations in Tierney’s Darkness in El Dorado (pdf)
- The Measles Epidemic of 1968 (pdf)
- Yanomamö Names (pdf)
- Neel’s Log (pdf)
- Involvement in Yanomami Political Affairs (pdf)
- Allegations of inappropriate sexual relationships with Yanomami by anthropologists. (pdf)
- The Case for Collective Responsibility and Reparations (pdf)
- Collection of Bodily Samples and Informed Consent: A Discussion with Recommendations (pdf)
- Presentation by José Seripino, Sept. 7, 2001 (pdf)
- Turner Point by Point (pdf)
- Warriors of the Amazon. (pdf)
- Interview with Julio Wichato, José Antonio Kelly, and Guillermo Domingo Torres (pdf)
- References Cited (pdf)
- Letter of Resignation from El Dorado Task Force by Raymond Hames
- A Response to Kent V. Flannery and Other Partisans, Leslie E Sponsel
- Media Release: Yanomami People Face Risks – December 12, 2001
- The Yanomami of Venezuela: New Findings and Concerns – December 12, 2001
- The Yanomami of Brazil: Human Rights Update – December 12, 2001
- Preliminary Report of the AAA El Dorado Task Force, November 19, 2001
- Part I – Introduction to the Preliminary Report(PDF*, 56kb)
- Part II – Allegations and Case Studies(PDF*, 93kb)
- Part III – References(PDF*,17kb)
- Map 1.1 – Regions of the Yanomami(GIF, 16kb)
- El Dorado Interim Report/Request for Information – AAA email (May 25, 2001)
- American Anthropological Association Statement – on Allegations made in the book Darkness in El Dorado
- The American Anthropological Association Executive Board Has Resolved to Take the Following Actions on Allegations Made in Darkness in El Dorado
- American Anthropological Association Darkness in El Dorado Controversy – Questions and Answers
- Report of the Special Commission to Investigate the Situation of the Brazilian Yanomami
- Code of Ethics of the American Anthropological Association, Approved June 1998
- Brazil’s Giant Step Backward on Indigenous Rights – The Threat to the Natural Environment and Rights of Indigenous Peoples Posed by Brazilian Presidential Decree 1775
- New Life for the Yanomami: Association Plays Key Role in Major Shift in Brazilian Policy – by Terry Turner, Chair, Special AAA Commission to Investigate the Situation of the Brazilian Yanomami
- American Anthropological Association Executive Board motion on inquiry regarding Darkness in El Dorado
- AAA Committee for Human Rights: Annual Report Year 2000
- Media Advisory, El Dorado Task Force Releases its Final Report
- Final Report of the AAA El Dorado Task Force, May 18, 2002
- El Dorado Task Force Papers: Preface
- El Dorado Task Force Papers: Volume One (PDF*, 500kb)
- El Dorado Task Force Papers: Volume Two (PDF*, 750kb)
- American Anthropological Association: Referendum on Darkness in El Dorado & Danger to Immunization Campaign (adopted November 2003)
- American Anthropological Association: Comments on the Referendum to Rescind The El Dorado Task Force Report
- American Anthropological Association: Referendum to Rescind The El Dorado Task Force Report
- AAA Rescinds Acceptance of the El Dorado Report American Anthropological Association, 2002
- American Anthropological Association Executive Board Rescinds Acceptance of El Dorado Task Force Report American Anthropological Association, September 14, 2005
- El Dorado Task Force Releases its Final Report American Anthropological Association, July 2, 2002
- Recommendation for Investigation of Darkness in El Dorado( Peacock Report), American Anthropological Association, January 21, 2001.
Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America (SALSA) Position Statements
International Genetic Epidemiology Society (IGES) Position Statements
- Commentary on “Darkness in Eldorado” By Patrick Tierney – This is a summary of a report that is posted in full on the IGES website and sent to relevant professional societies, completing the investigation foreseen in the Society’s resolution previously published [Genetic Epidemiology, 2000; 19(4):i-ii]. (February 9, 2001)
- Resolution concerning JV Neel – Passed unanimously by the International Genetic Epidemiology Society (IGES). This resolution will appears in the November issue of Genetic Epidemiology
National Academy of Sciences Position Statements
- In support of Marshall Sahlins’ resignation from the National Academy of Sciences, GoPetition, Mar 7, 2013.
- Setting the Record Straight Regarding Darkness in El Dorado – A Statement from Bruce Alberts, President of the National Academy of Sciences
Office of Indigenous Affairs of Venezuela (DAI) Position Statements
Brazilian Anthropological Association Position Statements
- Statement of the Brazilian Anthropological Association read at the open discussion on “Ethical Issues in Field Research Among the Yanomami” at the annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA, November 16, 2000
- Statement of the Brazilian Anthropological Association from, December 21, 2000
Cultural Survival Position Statements
- ‘Noble Savages’: Chagnon’s new book triggers resignation and protests, Survival International, February 26, 2013.
- The Fierce People? The myth of the ‘Brutal Savage’, Survival International, February 26, 2013.
- Statement Challenging Chagnon’s Assessment of the Tribe As ‘Fierce’ and ‘Violent’, Survival International, February 26, 2013.
- The Yanomami Scandal by David Maybury-Lewis
Federal University of Rio De Janeiro Position Statements
- Parecer da equipe médica da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro sobre as acusações do livro “Darkness in El Dorado” (P.Tierney) (Portuguese)
- English Translation: Report of the Medical Team of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro on Accusations Contained in Patrick Tierney’s Darkness in El Dorado (Adobe Acrobat Document)
Survival International Position Statements
- Racist Comment on BBC Fuels Unfounded Stereotype of Amazonian Tribe, Survival International, 29 May 2002
- Chagnon Responds to Survival International’s Derogatory Claims, Napoleon A. Chagnon
- Statement regarding the current allegations that scientists and journalists devastated the Yanomami
- US scientists accused of conducting Nazi experiments on Amazonian Indians – hundreds killed (September, 2000)
Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas Position Statements
- Comments On The Book Darkness In El Dorado (English Version)
- Comentarios Sobre El Libro ´Darkness In El Dorado´ (Spanish Version)
Society for Visual Anthropology Position Statement
- Statement Approved by the Board of Directors and Unanimously Passed by the Membership of the Society for Visual Anthropology (November 17, 2000)
Center for Latin American Studies & University of Pittsburgh Position Statement
- Association with the Center – Patrick Tierney’s association with CLAS
Pró-Yanomami (Yanomami Online) Position Statement
- A huge resource of information including articles by Alcida Ramos, Bruce Albert, Davi Kopenawa Yanomami and more.
Urihi – Saúde Yanomami Position Statement
- A resource for information about Yanomami health.
Survival International Position Statement
- Information concerning indigenous peoples.
Public Anthropology: Ethics Initiative Position Statements
- A “Summary of the El Dorado Task Force Report and Key Commentaries That are Critical of It”, “Five Easy Steps to Participate in the Discussion for Faculty and Students”, “A List of Schools Already Committed to Having Their Students Participate in This Ethics Initiative”, “The Intellectual Rationale Behind This Ethics Initiative” and “The Fall Follow-Up to This Initiative”.
- Main Index/Home Page [link dead]
- A statement by Kim Hill of the University of New Mexico, University of Santa Barbara, Psychology Department
- 2/27/02 Commentary by Juan J. R. Villarías-Robles, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), Madrid
- 3/2/02 Commentary by Bruce Albert, Research Institute for Development (IRD)
- 3/7/02 Commentary by Gale Goodwin Gomez, Department of Anthropology, Rhode Island College
- 3/10/02 Commentary by Jean Jackson, Department of Anthropology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 3/10/02 Commentary by Catherine V. Howard, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Gettysburg College
- 3/12/02 Commentary by Les E. Sponsel, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii
- 3/20/02 Commentary by Terry Turner, Department of Anthropology, Cornell University
- 3/20/02 Commentary by R. Brian Ferguson, Department of Anthropology, Rutgers University
- 3/21/02 Commentary by Lêda Leitão Martins, Department of Anthropology, Cornell University
- 4/9/02 Commentary #2 by Bruce Albert, Research Institute for Development (IRD)
- 4/12/02 Commentary by Manuela Carneiro da Cunha, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago
- 4/12/02 Commentary #2 by Les E. Sponsel, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii
- 4/15/02 Commentary by Davi Kopenawa Yanomami, Watoriki/T.I. Yanomami, Brazil
- 4/15/02 Commentary by Barbara R. Johnston, Center for Political Ecology, Santa Cruz
- 4/16/02 Commentary by Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, Department of Anthropology, Rhode Island College
- 4/17/02 Commentary #3 by Les E.\ Sponsel, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii
- 4/19/02 Commentary by Kenneth Good, Department of Sociology, New Jersey City University
- 4/19/02 Commentary #2 by Kenneth Good, Department of Sociology, New Jersey City University
- 4/19/02 Commentary #4 by Les E. Sponsel, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii
- 4/19/02 Commentary by John Frechione, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh
- 4/19/02 Commentary by Molly Stevenson, San Diego State University
- 4/19/02 Commentary #2 by Terence Turner, Department of Anthropology, Cornell University
- 4/19/02 Commentary #3 by Kenneth Good, Department of Sociology, New Jersey City University
- 4/22/02 Commentary #3 by Terence Turner, Department of Anthropology, Cornell University
- 4/24/02 Commentary #5 by Leslie Sponsel, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii
- 5/26/02 Commentary #6 by Leslie Sponsel, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii
- 6/10/02 Commentary #7 by Leslie Sponsel, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii
Individual Position Statements
- Alice Dreger’s Latest Defense of Napoleon Chagnon: More Obfuscation and Intellectual Irresponsibility? Leslie e. Sponsel, 2016
- Petitioning National Academy of Sciences: National Academy of Sciences: Change policies that have led to the resignation of Marshall Sahlins,, March, 2013.
- Statement by Lorna Salzman, February 27, 2013
- Alice Dreger Descends into Darkness: Scholarship or More Obfuscation?, Leslie E. Sponsel, April 5, 2011
- Chagnon Responds to Survival International’s Derogatory Claims, Napoleon A. Chagnon
- A Response to Kent V. Flannery and Other Partisans, Leslie E Sponsel
- A Summary of the International Conference: “Tragedy in the Amazon: Yanomami Voices, Academic Controversy and the Ethics of Research” Leslie Sponsel (May 1, 2002)
- Patrick Tierney’s “Attack-Dog” Story: A Report on One of Tierney’s Many Allegations against Chagnon. Bill Irons (March 3, 2002)
- Darkness in El Dorado by Patrick Tierney: A case of highly selective investigative journalism Jane B. Lancaster
- The Yanomami and the Ethics of Anthropological Practice Terence Turner
- The History Behind the Darkness: A Response to Susan Lindee’s Readings of the Neel Papers John Stevens
- Some Hurried Thoughts about Tim Asch and Patrick Tierney Jay Ruby
- To the AAA Leadership and To Whom It May Concern – Leslie Sponsel (October 25, 2001)
- The Turner-Sponsel Memo – Terry Turner 13 Nov. 2000
- Statement read by Professor A. Magdalena Hurtado at the “Research Among the Yanomami” panel, American Anthropological Association meeting, San Francisco, November 16, 2000 – A. Magdalena Hurtado, Kim Hill, Hillard Kaplan, and Jane Lancaster
- A three-part set of readings on sociobiology and imperialism – Steve Rosenthal
- The epidemiology of infectious diseases among South American Indians: A call for ethical research guidelines – Magdalena Hurtado, Kim Hill, Hillard Kaplan, and Jane Lancaster
- Jeanne’s Imaginary of William Holman Hunt’s Scapegoat at the AAA – Jeanne Curran
- Comment on Darkness in El Dorado (Revised slightly Dec. 13, 2000) – William Irons
- Getting Out the Real Story – Jane Hill (Anthropology News)
- Sponsel reply to Geertz review – Leslie E. Sponsel
- Summary of a statement made at the open session of the last annual convention of the AAA in San Francisco – Leslie E. Sponsel
- Better to Light a Candle Than Curse the Darkness – Newton E. Morton
- On the Yanomami Crisis in Anthropology – Essay by Jeanne Curran and Susan R. Takata and Participating Students
- Why I am Not a Cultural Anthropologist, Part I – Nicholas Nicastro
- Why I Am Not a Cultural Anthropologist, Part II – Nicholas Nicastro
- Human Science, Pseudo-Science, and Anthropological Ethics in the Yanomami Controversy, Part I – Terence Turner
- Human Science, Pseudo-Science, and Anthropological Ethics in the Yanomami Controversy, Part II – Terence Turner
- Letter to Professor Louise Lamphere, President of the American Anthropological Association – Mark Ritchie
- Reply to Tate – John Zerzan
- Shedding Light on Darkness in El Dorado – Richard Tate
- More on Napoleon Chagnon’s Abhorrent Field Methods – Judith Shulevitz
- Statement read at the “Research Among the Yanomami” panel, A.A.A. meeting – William Irons
- Thomas Headland´s report to the AAA president – Thomas Headland
- Eyewitness account of the measles epidemic among the Yanomami at Toototobi, Brazil, in September and October 1967 – Keith Wardlaw
- Letters written in 1967 and 1968 about the 1967 measles epidemic among the Yanomami at Toototobi, Brazil – Louise Patton and Charles Patton
- Letter to USA Today reporter – Thomas Headland
- Chagnon and Neel saved hundreds of lives – Edward Hagen
- Open Forum Comments from A.A.A. Meeting – Gale Goodwin Gomez
- Darkness in El Dorado by Patrick Tierney: A case of highly selective investigative journalism – Jane B. Lancaster
- Open Forum Comments from A.A.A. Meeting – Linda Rabben
- Response to Clay and Carole Robarchek – UCSB Team
- Response to UCSB report – Clay and Carole Robarchek
- Statement on Darkness in El Dorado – Kim Hill
- Tooby on El Dorado – John Tooby
- Statement on ethics and journalism – Kim Hill
- Neel and the Venezuelan Government – Susan Lindee
- Memo to the Neel Family – Kent V. Flannery
- Some Hurried Thoughts about Tim Asch and Patrick Tierney – Jay Ruby
- Two Letters of James V. Neel – Robert Cox
- The Ax Fight a Film Maker’s Response – Peter Biella
- Comment – Les Sponsel
- Anthropology in Trouble – Alan Fix
- Review of Neel Field Notes – Susan Lindee
- Summary of Comments – Ian Pitchford
- Measles expert on the Neel/Chagnon allegations – Ed Hagen
- Comments – Peter Biella
- About James V. Neel – Jeffrey C. Long
- Statment on the Measles Vaccine – Samuel L. Katz
- Several Thoughts on the “Scandal” – Mike Salovesh and John Cook
- Statement on Darkness in El Dorado to Time Magazine – Napoleon A. Chagnon
- How to sell books to the gullible, On J.V. Neel – J.M. Prince
- Comments – Diane Paul
- IMMINENT ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCANDAL – Terry Turner and Leslie Sponsel
Blog Post Position Statements
- Survival condemns Steven Pinker’s ‘Brutal Savage’ myth, Survival International, June 12, 2013.
- Why Steven Pinker, Like Jared Diamond, Is Wrong, Truthout, June 11, 2013.
- Blood Is Their Argument: anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon, Boing Boing, June 10, 2013.
- Ignoble Savages & Napoleon Chagnon, Genealogy of Religion, June 9, 2013.
- Epigenetics on The Edge of Human Nature, Goodbye to all that, Living Anthropologically, June 8, 2013.
- Noble Savages: My Life Among Two Dangerous Tribes, Napoleon Chagnon, A.V. Club, April 22, 2013.
- Noble Savages and the Nature of Human Nature, Huffington Post, April 16, 2013.
- An Ax to Grind: Napoleon Chagnon, the Yanomami and the anthropology tribe, Notes from the Ethnoground, March 30, 2013.
- Militarism, Biological Determinism, and the National Academy of Sciences, The American Conservative, March 25, 2013.
- Celebrated Scientist Renounces National Academy and War, Truthdig, March 21, 2013.
- Party Like It’s 1999: Ferguson, Sahlins, Wolf, & Napoleon Chagnon!, Living Anthropologically, March 16, 2013.
- The Chagnon Controversy – What Are the Issues, What’s at Stake, Where Do We Stand?, Embodied Knowledges, March 14, 2013.
- Election of Napoleon Chagnon to National Academy of Sciences part of US rightward shift, Anti-Imperialism, March 5, 2013.
- The Times, it is Outragin’, Anthropomics, March 2, 2013.
- Chagnon vs. Asch, Savage Minds, March 2nd, 2013.
- The Napoleon Chagnon Wars Flare Up Again In Anthropology, NPR Blog, February 28, 2013.
- The ethics & politics of research ~ Napoleon Chagnon will not go away, Qualitative Research Cafe, February 28, 2013.
- Addendum to Chagnon in the NYT, Savage Minds, February 27, 2013.
- Scientists Respond to The New York Times, American Anthropological Association Blog, February 25, 2013.
- Noble Savages, right method, wrong results, right enemies, Discover Magazine Blog: Gene Expression, February 25, 2013.
- Is “Sociobiologist” Napoleon Chagon Really a Disciple of Margaret Mead?, Scientific American Blog, February 25, 2013.
- Sahlins resigns from NAS as Chagnon enters, Savage Minds, February 25, 2013.
- Janet Chernela Interview with Davi Kopenawa,, February 23, 2013.
- Noble savages revisited, Powerline Blog, February 20, 2013.
- What the press is saying about Napoleon Chagnon, Louis Proyect, February 20, 2013.
- Indiana Jones is to Anthropology as Fred Flintstone is to Neolithic Life, Leith Mullings, February 19, 2013.
- Sociobalderdash, and the Yanomami? Part II, Ken Weiss, February 19, 2013.
- Meet Joe Science, Jonathan Marks, February 19, 2013.
- The New York Times on Chagnon, Savage Minds, February 19, 2013.
- Sociobalderdash, and the Yanomami? Part I, Ken Weiss, February 18, 2013.
- The Weird Irony at the Heart of the Napoleon Chagnon Affair, Scientific American, February 18, 2013.
- Science, Advocacy and Anthropology, American Anthropological Association Blog, February 17, 2013.
- Chagnon speaks: publishes Noble Savages, Living Ethnography, February 13, 2013.