Douglas W. Hume, Ph.D.
Anthropologist & Educator
Darkness in El Dorado Controversy - News Articles

When I first began collecting news on the ´scandal´, I merely created links to the source document. As it turns out, most of the news pieces are removed after a certain period, so you will find all of the documents are now mirrored within my site. There are links to the original documents on each of the pages. The articles below are listed by date of publication (most recent first). Please let me know of any news articles/stories that you know of that are not listed below, please contact me.
April, 2015
- Povo Yanomami vai chorar e enterrar sangue dos ancestrais, Amazonia Real, April 4, 2015.
- Laboratórios dos Estados Unidos devolvem amostras de sangue ao povo Yanomami, Amazonia Real, April 3, 2015.
- Indigenous Tribe’s Blood Returned to Brazil after Decades, BBC, April 3, 2015.
April, 2014
- Welcome to the Jungle: Napoleon Chagnon’s study of human nature in the Amazon—and the academy City Journal, April 13, 2014.
- The politics of science. Stowe Reporter, April 10, 2014.
- Darkness in Academia: The Shadow of Stalin, Lorna Salzman, Humanist Perspectives, Issue 186, Autumn 2013.
- Fry, Douglas P. 2013. Napoleon A. Chagnon, Noble Savages: My Life Among Two Dangerous Tribes – The Yanomamo and the Anthropologists (New York, Simon & Schuster, 2013). European Journal of Sociology LIV(3):531-536.
December, 2013
- Conklin, Beth, 2013, Last of the Stone Age Warriors, American Anthropologist 115(4):671-674.
November, 2013
- The shaman’s-eye view: A Yanomami verdict on us, New Scientist, November 18, 2013.
October, 2013
- Napoleon Chagnon’s Noble Savages, The Moral Liberal, October 28, 2013.
September, 2013
- Are We Hard-Wired for War?, The New York Times, September 28, 2013.
- After Husband and 3 Children Are Killed Brazil Female Chief Leads Re-occupation of Land, BrazzilMag, September 23, 2013.
- Evidence of Yanomami ‘violence’ relies on false data, new paper reveals, Survival International, September 21, 2013.
- The Emperor’s New Suit In The Garden Of Eden, and Other Wild Guesses or, Why Can’t Napoleon Chagnon Prove Anything?, Truthout, September 21, 2013.
August, 2013
- Darkness in Anthropology: A Conversation with Napoleon Chagnon, National Association of Scholars, August 29, 2013.
- The battle over human nature, The Sydney Morning Herald, August 17, 2013.
June, 2013
- Napoleon Chagnon: Blood Is Their Argument, Edge, June 6, 2013.
May, 2013
- Fight Clubs: On Napoleon Chagnon: One anthropologist’s place in his field’s ongoing battle over questions of power, means and ends, The Nation, May 15, 2013.
- It was violent way back then, Otago Daily Times, May 6, 2013.
- Constant battles, Hurriyet Daily News, May 3, 2013.
- Are Anthropologists a Dangerous Tribe? They’re battling about Yanomamö Indians, research ethics, and the nature of fierceness., Slate, May 2, 2013.
April, 2013
- The National Academy of Sciences: Goodbye to all that, Anthropology Today 29(2):1-2, April, 2013.
March, 2013
- The Militarization of American Life: From women in combat to the invasion of the sciences,, March 27, 2013.
- A Thousand Kinds of Life: Culture, Nature, and Anthropology, Dissent Magazine, March 21, 2013.
- Anthropology cut to the core when two tribes go to war: A feud at the heart of the discipline is undermining efforts to build a unified science of humanity, warns Camilla Power, Times Higher Education, March 14, 2013.
- Biophobia, Not. Biology and Science in Anthropology, Huffington Post, March 13, 2013.
- Survival Alert: The Myth of the ‘Brutal Savage’ Brutalizes Tribal People, Take Part, March 11, 2013.
- The Long PC Battle in Anthropology, Minding the Campus, March 10, 2013.
- Lightning rod sets up camp at MU, The Kansas City Star, March 9, 2013.
- Napoleon Chagnon, a most controversial anthropologist: Chagnon’s writings on the Yanomamo make broad and lurid claims that are dangerous misrepresentations, Al Jazeera, March 8, 2013.
- Savage Science: Excerpt of an Interview of Napoleon A. Chagnon, Skeptic Magazine, March 6, 2013.
- Amazon rainforest tribe at centre of new cultural storm: New book by outspoken US anthropologist inflames arguments over Yanomami Indians, The Observer, March 2, 2013.
- ‘Noble Savages’ looks at one anthropologist’s life of controversy: Chagnon tackles in his new book sensational accusations that shook his reputation and a scientific organization to the core, Chicago Tribune, March 1, 2013.
- Letters: ‘Noble Savages’, New York Times, March 7, 2013.
- Why Was This Man an Outcast Among Anthropologists? Napoleon Chagnon’s new memoir reignites the firestorm over his study of the Yanomamö, Smithsonian Magazine, March, 2013.
- Book Review: The Right Person, In the Right Place, At the Right Time: A review of Napoleon A. Chagnon, Noble Savages: My Life Among Two Dangerous Tribes — The Yanomamӧ and the Anthropologists, Evolutionary Psychology 11(1):126-131, 2013.
February, 2013
- An Interview With Marshall Sahlins: The Destruction of Conscience in the National Academy of Sciences, CounterPunch, February 26, 2013.
- ‘Nobles salvajes’, el nuevo libro de Chagnon provoca dimisiones y protestas, Canal Solidario, February 26, 2013.
- The Real News of Anthropology, Huffington Post, February 26, 2013.
- Marshall Sahlins, National Academy of Sciences, Napoleon Chagnon, Anthropology Report, February 25, 2013.
- The Chagnon Wars, cont’d., The American Conservative, February 25, 2013.
- Discord Over Scholar’s Tribal Research, New York Times, February 25, 2013.
- Primitive Mythology, New York Times, February 25, 2013.
- A Protest Resignation, Inside Higher Education, February 25, 2013.
- Anthropology and the Amazon: Other worlds, other values – Strange encounters in the jungle, The Economist, February 23, 2013.
- The Tarzan of Anthropology: Chagnon’s War, CounterPunch, February 22, 2013.
- ‘Noble Savages: My Life Among Two Dangerous Tribes —The Yanomamo and the Anthropologists’ by Napoleon A. Chagnon, Washington Post, February 22, 2013.
- Anthropology: Tribal Warfare, Douglas Hume, Nature 494(7437):310, February 21, 2013. [PDF]
- Green Snot and Deadly Snakes: Napoleon Chagnon’s Anthropological Battles, The Daily Beast, February 19, 2013.
- Napoleon Chagnon: Noble Savages – Between the Covers, National Review, February 19, 2013.
- An Anthropologist’s War Stories, New York Times, February 18, 2013.
- ‘Noble Savages’, Inside Higher Education, February 18, 2013.
- ‘Noble Savages’: fierce tribes and occupational hazards, Seattle Times, February 17, 2013.
- Sex, Lies, and Separating Science From Ideology, The Atlantic, February 15, 2013.
- Fierce Controversies: The man at the center of the debate over whether violence provides an evolutionary advantage, The Wall Street Journal, February 15, 2013.
- Tribal Warfare, New York Times, February 15, 2013.
- How Napoleon Chagnon Became Our Most Controversial Anthropologist, New York Times, February 13, 2013.
- ‘Noble Savages’: A Journey To Break The Mold Of Anthropology, National Public Radio, February 13, 2013.
- An Anthropologist, Once Accused of Genocide, Tells His Story at Last, The Chronicle of Higher Education, February 12, 2013.
- Najslavniji Istraživač Indijanaca: Slavni Napoleon Chagnon namjerno je izazvao epidemiju ospica od koje je umrlo stotine Yanomamija, Jutarnji, February 10, 2013.
- A life spent fighting fair about the roots of violence, New Scientist, February 5, 2013.
January, 2013
- Farewell to the Myth of the Noble Savage, The Wall Street Journal, January 25, 2013.
September, 2012
- Evolutionary Anthropology Society: Napoleon Chagnon Elected to the National Academy of Sciences, Anthropology News, September 1, 2012.
February, 2011
- Darkness’s Descent on the American Anthropological Association: A Cautionary Tale, Alice Dreger, Human Nature 22(2), 2011.
- Statement on the Publication of Alice Dreger’s Investigation, Darkness’s Descent on the American Anthropological Association: A Cautionary Tale, Jane B. Lancaster & Raymond Hames, Human Nature 22(2), 2011.
December 14, 2010
- Anthropology a Science? Statement Deepens a Rift, The New York Times, Science, December 9, 2010.
August 3, 2010
- Napoleon Chagnon, Anthropologist, Discusses His Dramatic Career from Northern Michigan, My North, August 3, 2010.
July 20, 2010
- Too many secrets: Secrets of the Tribe, Thread, July 20, 2010.
July 13, 2010
- Film Festival docos focus on South American tribes, The National Business Review, tuesday, July 13, 2010.
July 4, 2010
- Secrets of the Tribe, Film Threat, July 4, 2010.
June 16, 2010
- Researchers Return Blood Samples to the Yanomamö, Science, 328:1218.
May 26, 2010
- Secrets of the Tribe: Anthropology Goes Bad at SIFF, Seattle Weekly, May 26, 2010.
April 13, 2010
- Anthropologists in the Amazon: Secrets of the Tribe, Counter Punch, Weekend Edition, March 19-21, 2010.
January, 2010
- Secrets of the Tribe, Secrets of the Tribe, Sundance, January, 2010.
January 29, 2010
- TC man featured in Sundance film, Traverse City Record-Eagle, January 29, 2010.
January 24, 2010
- Anthropologists exposed in “Secrets of the Tribe”, Reuters, January 25, 2010.
January 24, 2010
- Sundance Review: ‘Secrets of the Tribe’, HitFix, January 24, 2010.
January 21, 2010
- New Film Focuses on Controversial Research About Yanomamö Indians, University of California, Santa Barbara, January 21, 2010.
- Jose Padilha’s new doc to premiere at Sundance, Film & Festival, January 21, 2010.
January 28, 2009
- Bitter fight over Brazilian blood: Why the Yanomami tribe want blood samples taken by US scientists backAl Jazeera, January 28, 2009.
December 12, 2009
- Un artículo en Science reivindica a Napoleon Chagnon, Revolucion Naturalista, December 12, 2009.
December 11, 2009
- News of the Week Anthropology: Chagnon Critics Overstepped Bounds, Historian Says Science, December 11, 2009
December 3, 2009
- Old Wounds in Anthropology, Inside Higher Education, December 3, 2009.
June 20, 2007
- In the Amazon, Giving Blood but Getting Nothing New York Times, June 20, 2007
- Indigenous Groups in Amazon Try to Reclaim Blood Samples From Scientists The Chronicle: Daily News Blog, June 20, 2007
June, 2006
- Review: Yonomamami Joan Vincent, American Anthropologist, June 2006 (pdf)
April, 2006
- Yanomami: The Fierce Controversy and What We Can Learn From It, The Americas (April 2006), 62(4):660-662.
- Rumble in the Jungle: Adrian Barnett revels in a row about ethics, New Scientist (2005), 186:2497.
- Yanomami: The Fierce Controversy and What We Can Learn From It by Robert Borofsky with Bruce Albert, Raymond Hames, Kim Hill , Leda Leitao Martins , John Peters , and Terence Turner
June 28, 2005
- Anthropologists Rescend Report That Examined Allegation of Misconduct by Researchers in the Amazon The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 28, 2005 (pdf)
July 8, 2005
- Retreat at el Dorado Chronicle of Higher Education, July 8, 2005
- News of the Week Anthropology: A New Skirmish in the Yanomamö Wars Science, July 8, 2005
December 2004
- Guilt by Association: The Culture of Accusation and the American Anthropological Association’s Investigation of Darkness in El Dorado Thomaas A Gregor and Daniel R Gross, American Anthropologist, December 2004 (pdf)
November 2004
- An Epidemic of Disinformation, American Anthropological Association, Anthropology News, November 2004
January 16, 2004
- Yanomami Redux Science, January 16, 2004
October 2003
- Referendum on Darkness in El Dorado and Danger to Immunization Campaigns, American Anthropological Association, Anthropology News 44(7), October 2003
April, 2003
- Resolution on Darkness in El Dorado and Danger to Immunization Campaigns, American Anthropological Association, Anthropology News 44(4), April 2003
March, 2003
- The Yanomami Vaccine Resolution Vis-à-Vis Responsibilities of Anthropologists, American Anthropological Association, Anthropology News 44(3), March 2003
- Yanomami Vaccine Resolution, American Anthropological Association, Anthropology News 44(3), March 2003
- Collaborations and Distinctions, American Anthropological Association, Anthropology News 44(3), March 2003
February, 2003
- Neel’s Vaccination Effort, American Anthropological Association, Anthropology News 44(2), February 2003
November, 2002
- Commentary on the El Dorado Task Force Report, American Anthropological Association, Anthropology News, volume 43, number 8, november 2002
August, 2002
- Reply to Gregor and Gross: Setting the record straight on the Yanomami controversy, The Chronicle of Higher Education
August 18, 2002
- Listeners’ letters, National Public Radio
July 26, 2002
- Anthropology and the Search for the Enemy Within, Thomas A. Gregor and Daniel R. Gross, The Chronicle
July 12, 2002
- Yanomami Research Becomes the Stuff of a Novel; a New Mystery Satirizes African-American Studies, The Chronicle of Higher Education
May, 2002
- Dialogue Correspondence: Hypocrisy in El Dorado, Kent V Flannery, Anthropology News, Volume 43, Number 5, May 2002
May 15, 2002
- Boletim Yanomami, 26/Fechamento 15/maio/2002
April, 2002
- Q&A Scandal in the Amazon National Geographic Adventure Magazine, April 2002
- Napoleon in Exile, Excerpt National Geographic Adventure Magazine, April 2002
March, 2002
- Dialogue Correspondence: In Response to Irons Letter, Leslie E Sponsel, Anthropology News, Volume 43, Number 3, March 2002
February, 2002
- On Reflections on Darkness in El Dorado and Replies Leslie E. Sponsel, Fernando Coronil, Alan G. Fix, M. Susan Lindee, and Peter Pels, Current Anthropology, February 2002 (pdf)
January, 2002
- Dialogue Correspondence: Turner and Sponsel’s Letters, William Irons, Anthropology News, Volume 43, Number 1, January 2002
January 6, 2002
- Feldforscher auf krummen Wegen – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (German)
January 4, 2002
- Yanomamö Wars Continue Science, January 4, 2002
December, 2001
December 7, 2001
- Though Flawed, Book on Yanomami Research ‘Served Anthropology Well,’ Report Concludes – Chronicle of Higher Education
December 5, 2001
- Early judgment in council of elders – The Australian (December 5, 2001)
December 3, 2001
- Anthropologists Criticize Release of Preliminary Report on Controversy Over Research on the Yanomami – Chronicle for Higher Education
- Amazon tribe study called ‘deeply flawed’ – USA TODAY
September, 2001
Public Anthropology: Engaging Ideas, 2001
- Intellectuals and the Responsibilities of Public Life: An Interview with Noam Chomsky
- Envisioning a More Public Anthropology: An Interview with Fredrik Barth
- Life among the Yanomami. The story of change among the Xilixana on the Mucajai River in Brazil
- ROUNDTABLE FORUM: Ethical Issues Raised by Patrick Tierney’s Darkness in El Dorado
- An Open Letter to Our Anthropological Colleagues
- Introduction
- Round One
- Round Two
- Round Three
September 27, 2001
- Tribal, xenophobic and bellicose: we’re just born that way The Daily Telegraph (London)
July 4, 2001
- Das Treffen von Goettingen Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (German)
June 16, 2001
- Darkness in El Dorado, ABC, 16/06/01
May, 2001
May 11, 2001
- Creating A Tribe Of Ancestral Savages The Times Higher Education Supplement
April, 2001
- Darkness in El Dorado: Human Genetics on Trial Newton E. Morton, Journal of Genetics, April 2001 (pdf)
- Perspectives on Tierney’s Darkness in El Dorado Current Anthropology, Forum on Anthropology in Public (papers by Fernando Coronil, Alan G. Fix, Peter Pels, Charles L. Briggs, Clara E. Mantini-Briggs, Raymond Hames, Susan Lindee, and Alcida Rita Ramos)
- 10, 000 Years of Tribal Warfare: History, Science, Ideology and “The State of Nature” The Journal of the International Institute, 8(3), Spring/Summer 2001
April 26, 2001
April 24, 2001
- Medical fact or fiction? Medical Post
April 11, 2001
- Nazism 101 — Sociobiology: Genes For Genocide Challenge
- Capitalist Anthropology: `Science’ of Extermination Challenge
- Guns, Germs, Steel and Anthropologists Challenge
- Backlash Challenge
April 10, 2001
- Brasil-indios senador exige explicacion sobre experimentos de eeuu con yanomami Spanish Newswire Services (Spanish)
April 1, 2001
- The Erotic-Fierce People Scientific American
March, 2001
- Fighting the Darkness in El Dorado Scientific American
March 30, 2001
- Brasil-indios yanomamis brasilenos pueden demandar a eeuu por manipulacion adn Spanish Newswire Services (Spanish)
- ’Life Among The Anthros’ New York Review of Books – Terence S. Turner
March 26, 2001
- Brazil Indians Outraged by Minister’s Statements Yahoo News (Reuters, AP, The New York Times, and
March 22, 2001
- Ghosts of fieldwork past United Press International
- Anthropologist discusses his position in an ‘ethics firestorm’ in his field – Cornell Chronicle, (March 22, 2001)
March 18, 2001
- Study Denounces Decimation Of Yanomami Tribe Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
March 17, 2001
- Masern, Medizin und Moral; Yanomami-Indianer als Versuchskaninchen amerikanischer Forscher? Neue Zuercher Zeitung (German)
- Unheil ueber El Dorado Neue Zuercher Zeitung (German)
March 14, 2001
- Science Attacks Amazon Tribe The New Republic Online
March 12, 2001
- Scientists Dispute Anthropology Book
- Tvister om människans natur Svenska Dagbladet (Disputes about humans nature) (Swedish)
March 11, 2001
- Necessary Discipline The New York Times (Letter to the Editor by Benjamin G. Zimmer)
- I tjänst hos folkmordet? Göteborgs-Posten (In service of Ethnocide?) (Swedish)
March 4, 2001
- Not the “baddest” guy in the bush United Press International
March 3, 2001
- The Fierce Anthropologists Daily Telegraph Magazine
March 1, 2001
February, 2001
- Pseudoscience and Culturology (by Nicholas Nicastro) The BookpressIdeas Fixes and Innuendos,
- Part I &
- Part II (by Terence Turner) The Bookpress
- Anthropological Angst (by John Stevens) The Bookpress
- Exorcising sociobiology The New Criterion
- Review: Research in the rainforest The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (by Geoffrey Sea)
- A Tangled Web, In More Ways Than One The Pennsylvania Gazette
February 28, 2001
- Ethik der Feldforschung Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (German)
February 22, 2001
- The Fierce Academics: A scholars’ war threatens the future of an Amazon tribe Metro (Silicon Valley’s Weekly Newspaper)
February 11, 2001
- It’s Not Nice To Fool With Mother Nature The Columbus Dispatch
- Academic Warfare New York Times Book Review
February 9, 2001
February 8, 2001
- Life Among the Anthros The New York Review of Books (by Clifford Geertz)
- Reply – Leslie E. Sponsel
February 5, 2001
- With Controversy Swirling Around Them, Yanomami Have Other Worries New York Times
- Diseases threaten Brazilian tribe Environmental News Network
January, 2001
- Zen Marxism Revisited: Tierney and False Dualisms in Anthropology Anthropology News
- A Tangled Web, In More Ways Than One The Pennsylvania Gazette (January/February)
- Arvelo-Jimenez, Nelly La Saga de los Yanomamo – Reflexiones en Torno al Libro Darkness in El Dorado, Jan. 2001
January 23, 2001
- Looking Into The Heart Of Darkness Anthropologists Face A Moment Of Truth After Charges Of Bringing Cultural Ruin To The Amazon The Boston Globe
January 21, 2001
- Jungle Fever The Washington Post
- Review: Tierney’s Darkness indicts the very tenets of anthropology The Anniston Star
January 19, 2001
- Scientific Community: Anthropological Warfare Science
- Scientific Community: Preemptive Strike Sought to Discredit Book Before It Was Published Science
January 13, 2001
- Darkness at the heart of science: Anthropologists despoiled cultures they studied, author says The Gazette (Montreal)
- OFF CENTRE: The warring tribes that fight battles in print: A new book has sparked an academic row by claiming that one of the most intriguing primitive societies – and one of the best studied – suffered as a result of contact with western scientists. Mark Wallace reports Financial Times (London)
January 12, 2001
- Academic Scandal in the Internet Age The Chronicle of Higher Education
January 7, 2001
- Venezuela Bars Researchers After Book Charges Ethnocide Indians´ measles blamed on pair San Francisco Chronicle
January 4, 2001
- Epidemia de enfermedades respiratorias causó 12 muertes en la etnia yanomami El Nacional (Spanish)
December, 2000
- Why I am Not a Cultural Anthropologist, Part I The Bookpress
- Why I Am Not a Cultural Anthropologist, Part II The Bookpress
- Human Science, Pseudo-Science, and Anthropological Ethics in the Yanomami Controversy, Part I The Bookpress
- Human Science, Pseudo-Science, and Anthropological Ethics in the Yanomami Controversy, Part II The Bookpress
- Review: Darkness in El Dorado: How Scientists and Journalists Devastated the Amazon: Tierney, Patrick Bart’s Cyber Home
December 31, 2000
- A question of survival The Hindu
December 29, 2000
- Patrick Tierney en de Yanomamö-indianen: Duisternis over de Amazone NRC Boeken (in Dutch)
December 26, 2000
- Author Revs up Controversy over Amazon Tribe´s Quest for Women St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- La química del amor El Nacional (Spanish)
December 23, 2000
- Napoleon conquers the Yanomami The Globe and Mail (Toronto)
December 21, 2000
- Trevas na Antropologia e na Biomedicina (Portuguese)
- Retiring author defends his career Detroit News
December 19, 2000
- Researcher defends career under shadow of ´Darkness´ The Associated Press State & Local Wire
December 18, 2000
- Atrocities in the Amazon? The McGraw-Hill Companies
- Book Reviews – A rumble in the jungle New Statesman
- Atrocities In The Amazon? Business Week
December 17, 2000
- Rumble in the Jungle The San Diego Union-Tribune
- Researcher defends reputation under shadow of ´Darkness´ The Grand Rapids Press
December 14, 2000
- Author trashes classic study of Yanomami as scandalous lie The Boston Herald
December 13, 2000
- Ein Ethnologe unter Verdacht Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
December 11, 2000
- Savage fantasy: A leading anthropologist is under ideological attack U.S.News & World Report
- Patrick Tierney, anthropologist, talks with Todd… The Todd Mundt Show
- Los salesianos estamos abiertos a que investiguen nuestro trabajo El Nacional (Spanish)
- Darkness in El Dorado The Nation
December 10, 2000
- Letter to the Editor and Reply New York Times Book Review
- The Editors Recommend The San Francisco Chronicle
- Jungle Fever The Washington Post (by Marshall Sahlins)
December 9, 2000
- Scientists and Missionaries Fall Out Over Epidemic that Decimated Amazon Tribe The Independent (London)
- Darkness in El Dorado CBC (Canadian Television) [
- Listen to MP3 (9 MB)]
- Controverse over Yanomami Neemt in Hevigneid Toe NRC Handelsblad (in Dutch)
- When Did the Measles Epidemic Begin among the Yanomami? Anthropology News
December 8, 2000
- Is Anthropology Evil?
December 5, 2000
- Anthropologists at war over culture The San Diego Union-Tribune
- Anthropologists at the cultural divide The Washington Times
December 2, 2000
- The Savaging of a Scientist Daily News (New York)
December 1, 2000
- Anthropologists Debate a Controversial Book and Their Own Research Ethics The Chronicle of Higher Education
November, 2000
- Getting Out the Real Story Anthropology News (Jane Hill)
- Letter to the Editor The Clarion Online Edition (Les MacLeod)
November 30, 2000
- Schokkende Onthulling: Inenting Tegen Mazelen Werd Indianen Fataal De Telegraaf
- Did science kill a tribe? The Times (London)
- Science decimated Amazon tribe The Ottawa Citizen
- Book Review: Corrupted Hopkins and Company
November 29, 2000
- Herz der anthropologischen Finsternis Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
- Author says celebrated anthropologist harmed Amazon tribe Chicago Sun-Times
November 27, 2000
- Into the Heart of Darkness Newsweek
- Amazon Yerlilerini Yokeden Çagdas Bilim Adamlari
- ´Darkness in El Dorado´ Debated; Backlash after NBA nominee blasts anthropologists for devastating native people Publishers Weekly
- The Science of Self-Preservation Forbes Magazine
November 26, 2000
- Por denuncias de Tierney prohibieron investigaciones en zonas indígenas El Nacional (Spanish)
November 24, 2000
- La prohibición de investigar rige para todas las zonas indígenas El Nacional (Spanish)
November 22, 2000
- ´Darkness´ claims continue to stir debate USA Today
- Neel and Euphenics Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
November 21, 2000
- Anthropology’s Ugliest Debate: Controversies rage over a scandalous new book on the Yanomamö Indians Scientific American
- A Fight for Truth: Obscure Battle Shows Dangers of PC The Winchester Star
November 20, 2000
- The Fierce People: The wages of anthropological incorrectness National Review
- Anthropology´s Darkest Hour Scientific American
- Ethics Debate in the Field of Anthropology Crux JournalFierce Anthropologists: Tierney at the AAAs
- Part One
- Part Two
- Part Three
November 19, 2000
- Asociación Antropológica solicitará informe a Comisión de Energía Atómica de EE UU por caso de yanomami El Nacional (Spanish)
November 18, 2000
- Book Leads Anthropologists to Look Inward New York Times
- Book Claims Famed Geneticist Started Deadly Epidemic Among Indian Tribe Salt Lake Tribune
- Book causes anthropologists to see red The Times of India Online
November 17, 2000
- Anthropologists in Uproar Over Yanomami Charges Yahoo News
- Book Creates Stir at Convention New York Times
- Controversial book creates stir at anthropologists´ convention CNN
- Controversial novel prompts anthropologists to look at profession The Associated Press State & Local Wire
- Los indios Yanomami: destruidos por la enfermedad, las sectas y la corrupción El Nacional
November 16, 2000
- Anthropologists to air violent Amazon dispute USA Today
- Anthropology Community Upset Over Ethics Scandal Isolated Indians were corrupted, writer says San Francisco Chronicle
- Darkness in El Dorado, by Patrick Tierney Discovery Channel Canada Online
- The Fierce People, Part II, A disgrace National Review Online
- La prohibición de investigar sólo rige para el Alto Orinoco El Nacional (Spanish)
- Helping Indians of Amazon change for the better The Record Online
- The Live Wire: Contrasting Missionaries With Anthropologists In “The Darkness In El Dorado”, The Record of Hackensack on November 16, 2000
November 15, 2000
- Pittsburgh author´s charges stir up anthropologists Controversy of epidemic proportions Post-Gazette
November 14, 2000
- Science Panel Disputes Report on Bad Vaccine New York Times
November 13, 2000
- Science academy criticizes ´Darkness in El Dorado´ claims USA Today
- Analysis: National Academy of Sciences debunks book United Press International
- What did this man do to the Yanomami In These
- Colleagues continue to defend U. Michigan researcher Michigan Daily University Wire
November 12, 2000
- Hearts of Darkness New York Times
- Un antropólogo feroz El Nacional (Spanish)
- Dudosa reputación El Nacional (Spanish)
- The Left Hand of Darkness Los Angeles Times
- Periodista denuncia experimento que termino con la vida de indigenas yanomami Agence France Presse (Spanish)
November 11, 2000
- When two tribes go to war New Scientist
- Chewbacca Meets Jerry Lewis
November 10, 2000
- Scientists Dispute Book´s Facts New York Times
- Scientists Dispute Book´s Facts Washington Post
November 9, 2000
- National Academy of Sciences disputes book alleging misconduct The Mercury News
- A firestorm in anthropology The Christian Science Monitor
- Anthropology world in uproar over book´s allegations against prof Cornell Daily Sun University Wire
November 5, 2000
- Tribal Warfare Breaks out is Anthropologists´ Ranks Denver Rocky Mountain News
November 4, 2000
- Johnson: NBA, round two: dumb and dumber Athens Newspapers Inc.
November 3, 2000
- An anthropological scandal unfolding? Scripps Howard News Service
- US scientists treat Venezuelan Indians as guinea pigs Dawn
November 1, 2000
- Rights-Venezuela: Book Says Yanomami Indians Used as Guinea Pigs Inter Press Service
- James Neel, Darkness in El Dorado, and Eugenics: The Missing Context The Society for Latin American Anthropology (Diane Paul)
- Yanomami: Recent Human Rights Abuses The Society for Latin American Anthropology (Janet Chernela)
- Heart of Darkness The Bookpress
October 30, 2000
- Katz Response in New Yorker ANTHRO-L
- Napoleon Chagnon’s Waterloo: Anthropology on Trial The Dartmouth Review
October 27, 2000
- The Work That Has Rocked Anthropology The Times Higher Education Supplement
- The New Yorker Replies,
- Sidebar One,
- Sidebar Two,
- Sidebar Three
October 24, 2000
- Jungle Fever: Did two U.S. scientists start a genocidal epidemic in the Amazon, or was The New Yorker duped?,
- Sidebar One,
- Sidebar Two,
- Sidebar Three,
- Sidebar Four
- Eliminate slant in journalistic reporting as in anthropological studies The Observer
October 21, 2000
- Analysis: Darkness in anthropology United Press International
October 19, 2000
- Did scientists kill to test race theory? Nassau Weekly
October 17, 2000
- The untruths that spread like measles Acid Test The Daily Telegraph (London)
- ´Father of Human Genetics´ falsely accused by author, say colleagues CNN
- Did Amazonian Indians Die From Measles Vaccine? The Online Magazine of the Pacific News Service
October 15, 2000
- Genocide Claims Against Geneticist Are Disputed Los Angeles Times
- Brasile: esperimenti illeciti su indios di antropologo Usa Schweizerische Depeschenagentur AG – Servizio di base in Italiano (Italian)
- Who Should Investigate?
October 14, 2000
- AP Photos NY336-338 AP Worldstream
October 13, 2000
- Sontag, Oates among finalists for U.S. National Book Award The Ottawa Citizen
- The debate over Amazon Darkness MSNBC News
October 12, 2000
- BOOK NOTES: Historical ´Blonde,´ ´In America´ among national finalists in fiction The Atlanta Journal and Constitution
- Book-Award Bound? The Boston Globe
- Local Poet Among Nominees For National Book Award The San Francisco Chronicle
- Oates and Sontag Novels Among Award Nominees The Washington Post
- Medizinische Experimente an Yanomami-Indios? Neue Zuercher Zeitung (German)
- Big names among finalists for book awards Calgary Herald
- Gobierno y cientmficos estadounidenses deben responder por experimentos con yanomami El Nacional
October 11, 2000
- Cambian normas para investigar en zonas indígenas Taal Caul
- National Book Awards finalists are nominated MSNBCAllegations that two major cultural anthropologists…
- Text National Public Radio (NPR)
October 9, 2000
- The Fierce Anthropologist: Did a scientist harm the tribe he studied? The New Yorker (PDF document)
October 8, 2000
- Scientists ´nearly destroyed´ Amazon tribe backed by Sting Sunday Times (London)
- What Happens When Genocide Poses as Science Los Angeles Times
- A new book alleges that U.S. scientists caused a measles outbreak among the Yanomami tribe The Statesman (India)
- Ideas & Trends; Anthropology Enters the Age of Cannibalism New York Times
October 6, 2000
- Rastrean maltrato a yanomamis el
- Scientist killed Amazon Indians to test race theory, screamed the headlines in last Saturday´s Guardian. THES
October 5, 2000
- Who Should Investigate? ABC News
- Moerderische Experimente Facts (German)
October 4, 2000
- Letter to the Editor of The Guardian Weekly, October 4, 2000 John L. Hamerton and M. Susan Lindee
- Professor denies team triggered measles epidemic The Guardian (London)
- US scientist brought death to the Amazon Manchester Guardian Weekly
October 5, 2000
- Controversy related to the death of Ianomami Indians is widely debated Estado de S. Paulo
October 2, 2000
- ´Darkness´ shadows the pursuit of anthropology Scientists in Amazon accused of genocide, sexual exploitation USA Today
- What Have We Done to them? Time Magazine
- New Yorker Fails in Effort to Get Response From Researcher Upbraided in Its Pages Inside Media
- Report: Measles Vaccine Possibly Killed Amazon Tribe Fox
- La sociobiologie a la recherche des causes genetiques des comportements sociaux Le Monde (France)
- En Amerique, un peuple plus celebre que les Esquimaux Le Monde (France)
- Trois Questions O… Le Monde (France)
- Des accusations grotesques Le Monde (France)
- Les Indiens Yanomamis ont-ils ete victimes d´experiences eugeniques? Le Monde (France)
- Maerchen vom Totschlaeger Der Spiegel (German)
- An ethics firestorm in the Amazon U.S. News & World Report
- New book, article accuses scientists of disrupting Yanomami tribes CNN
- ´Darkness´ shadows pursuit of anthropology USA Today
October 1, 2000
- Menschenversuche im Urwald SonntagsZeitung (German)
- Yanomami fueron usados como cobayas humanos por científicos de EE UU El Nacional (Spanish)
- Uproar in anthropology (Part III) United Press International
- Book attacks scientists who studied isolated Brazilian Indians in 1968 Native News
- Review: Darkness in El Dorado Outside Magazine
September 30, 2000
- University of Michigan Refutes Claim Expert Harmed Tribe Michigan Live
- Macho anthropology: Did scientists start a deadly epidemic to prove that humanity is innately violent — or are they victims of politics? The Vancouver Sun
- Cientmficos probaron vacuna en yanomamis el
- Yanomami fueron usados como cobayas humanos por científicos de EE UUs EL NACIONAL
September 29, 2000
- Grausige Menschenversuche der US-Atombehörde in Venezuela Greenpeace
- Book Accuses U.S. Scientists of Starting Epidemic Among Indians E-mail debate raging among anthropologists San Francisco Chronicle
- Author Says U.S. Scientists Killed Amazon Indians Yahoo Daily News
- Misconduct Alleged in Yanomamo Studies Science Magazine
- Indígenas del Amazonas fueron conejillos de Indias
- Book tells of deadly experiments on Yanomamis Orange County Register
- Scientists deliberately infected tribe with measles The Seattle Times
- Scientists sparked deadly Amazon measles epidemic Edmonton Journal (Alberta)
- Allegations of Misconduct Roil Anthropologists The Chronicle of Higher Education
September 28, 2000
- How Anthropology Should Respond to an Ethical Crisis Chronicle of Higher Education
- Macho anthropology Salon.comBook Seeks to Indict Anthropologists Who Studied Brazil Indians New York Times
- Anthropology Confronts Misconduct Allegations The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Was deadly measles outbreak intentional? USA Today
- Uproar in anthropology (Parts I & II) United Press International
- New book alleges deadly experiments on South American tribe The Associated Press
- US scientists conducted Nazi experiments on Venezuelan native Amazonian indians?
September 27, 2000
- Mengele aan de Amazone VNU Dagbladengroep B.V. Eindhovens Dagblad (Dutch)
- Us Scientists Accused Of Conducting Nazi Experiments On Amazonian Indians – Hundreds Killed Friends of Liberty International
- Anthropologists Infected Yanomami, New Book Alleges California Academy of Sciences
- Indianen uitgeroeid voor ´wetenschap´ VNU Dagbladengroep B.V. Eindhovens Dagblad (Dutch)
- Cientistas negam escândalo dos ianomâmis Rubens Valente Globo
- À Editora de Ciencias No Rio Carta Enviada Hoje
- Chagnon es racista, dice Survival TAL CUAL
- Thomas Headland´s letter to USA Today reporter
September 26, 2000
- Amazon Indians Infected to Test Genetics Theory, Book Alleges Sydney Morning Herald
- O geneticista americano James Neel… Mim de Sao Paulo
- Antropólogos trocam e-mail sobre livro “Darkness in El Dorado”
- Conheça a declaração oficial da Associação Americana de Antropologia
- Antropólogos trocam e-mail sobre livro “Darkness in El Dorado” Último Segundo
- Muchos intereses en tierra yanomami TAL CUAL
September 25, 2000
- Masacre “científica” en el Amazonas TAL CUAL
- Tödliche Genforschung an Menschen Telepolis
- Scientists Infected Amazon Indians Discovery
- Amazon Geneticist Killed Hundreds
- Livro poe antropologos em pe´ de guerra – Brazilian News (email)
September 24, 2000
- ´Darkness in El Dorado´: Shame in the Amazon The Baltimore Sun
- US scientists ´gambled with human lives´ The Straits Times (Singapore)
September 23, 2000
- Scientist ´killed Amazon indians to test race theory´ The Guardian (London)
- Livro nos EUA acusa geneticista de matar índios ianomâmi
- Amazon Geneticist ´Killed Hundreds´ BBC News
- Leia trechos do livro “Darkness in El Dorado” da Folha de S.Paulo Folha de S.Paulo
- Livro acusa cientistas de usar índios como cobaias Folha de S.Paulo
- Geneticist may have “killed” hundreds of Amazon Indians Digital Freedom Network
September 20, 2000
- Scholars Fear That Alleged Misdeeds by Amazon Anthropologists Will Taint Entire Discipline The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Antropologia selvagem ?