Douglas W. Hume, Ph.D.
Anthropologist & Educator

The following courses are in my regular teaching rotation at Northern Kentucky University (NKU). For courses I have previously taught at NKU and other institutions, see my Curriculum Vitae:
ANT 100 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (fall, winter, spring, summer) Definition and nature of culture, its content and structure (e.g., kinship, politics, and religion); basic field methods; emphasis on non- Western cultures.
ANT 201 World Cultures (fall, spring, summer) Survey of world cultures, primarily non-literate, using various anthropological approaches; development from simple to more complex cultural systems.
ANT 245 Peoples of Latin American and the Caribbean (spring) Contemporary cultures of Latin America and the Caribbean; problems of contact, colonization, acculturation, development of the area cultural tradition, and contemporary urbanization.
ANT 275 Language and Culture (fall) Methods and case studies in anthropological linguistics; relationship between language and culture; language structure.
ANT 309 Peoples of Africa (odd spring) Survey and cross-cultural comparisons of the peoples of Sub-Saharan Africa. Emphasis on the impacts of colonialism, ecological adaptation, social and family life, as well as contemporary issues in Africa society.
ANT 325 Applied Anthropology (even fall) Practical uses to which anthropological methods and theory can be put towards solving contemporary social and cultural problems through research, policy development, and administration. Students will examine cross-cultural case studies from specialties within applied anthropology and complete a career-oriented research project.
ANT 345 Environmental Anthropology (odd fall) Sociocultural patterns of human environmental interaction, applied research on and policy solutions to environmental problems in the western and non-western worlds.
ANT 365S/565S Belize Ethnographic Field School (summer) Cross-cultural field training in ethnographic field methods, qualitative data analysis, and ethnographic report-writing. This course is designated scholarship intensive and includes coursework to fulfill that designation.
ANT 401 Anthropological Theory (even spring) Development of the discipline; major theoretical and anthropological contributions.